4F-14 Electronic Stability Program:
Step 2: Driving Test
Test the vehicle at 40 km/h for more than a minute
including left and right turns and check if any trouble
symptom (such as ESP® warning light and/or ABS
warning light) exists.
If the malfunction DTC is confirmed at ignition switch
ON, proceed to Step 3.
If the malfunction DTC is not confirmed at ignition switch
ON, proceed to Step 6.
Step 3: DTC Check
Recheck DTC referring to "DTC Check".
Step 4: ESP® Check
According to ESP® Check for the DTC confirmation in
Step 3, locate the cause of the trouble, namely in a
sensor, switch, wire harness, connector, actuator
assembly or other part and repair or replace faulty parts.
Step 5: Brakes Diagnosis
Check the parts or system suspected as a possible
cause referring to "Brakes Symptom Diagnosis in
Section 4A" and based on symptoms appearing on the
vehicle (symptom obtained through Steps 1 and 2 and
repair or replace faulty parts, if any).
Step 6: Intermittent Problem Check
Check parts where an intermittent trouble is easy to
occur (e.g., wire harness, connector, etc.), referring to
"Intermittent and Poor Connection Inspection in Section
00 in related manual" and related circuit of trouble code
recorded in Step 1 to 3.
Step 7: Final Confirmation Test
Confirm that the problem symptom has gone and the
ESP® is free from any abnormal conditions. If what has
been repaired is related to the malfunction DTC, clear
the DTC once referring to "DTC Clearance" and perform
test driving and confirm that no DTC is indicated.
ESP® Warning Light Check
1) Turn ignition switch ON.
2) Check that ESP® warning light (1) comes ON for
about 2 seconds and then goes off.
If any faulty condition is found, advance to "ESP®
Warning Light Does Not Come ON at Ignition Switch
ON" or "ESP® Warning Light Comes ON Steady".
ABS Warning Light Check
1) Turn ignition switch ON.
2) Check that ABS warning light (1) comes ON for
about 2 seconds and then goes off.
If any faulty condition is found, advance to "ABS
Warning Light Does Not Come ON at Ignition Switch
ON" or "ESP® Warning Light Comes ON Steady".
EBD Warning Light (Brake Warning Light)
Perform this check on a level place.
1) Turn ignition switch ON with parking brake applied.
2) Check that EBD warning light (brake warning light)
(1) is turned ON.
3) Release parking brake with ignition switch ON and
check that EBD warning light (brake warning light)
goes off.
If it doesn't go off, go to "EBD Warning Light (Brake
Warning Light) Check".
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