Direct Clutch Assembly Components
1. Input shaft front thrust bearing
2. Input shaft seal ring
3. Input shaft subassembly
4. Inner O-ring
5. Direct clutch piston
Direct Clutch Assembly Preliminary Check
Install direct clutch assembly (1) to oil pump assembly
(2) blow in air (400 – 800 kPa, 4 – 8 kg/cm
psi) through oil hole (3) of oil pump assembly with
special tool attached on upper surface of direct clutch
piston, and measure piston stroke of direct clutch.
If piston stroke exceeds specified value, disassemble,
inspect and replace inner parts.
Special tool
(A): 09900–20607
(B): 09900–20701
Direct clutch piston stroke
0.4 – 0.7 mm (0.016 – 0.027 in.)
6. Outer O-ring
7. Direct clutch return spring subassembly
8. Shaft snap ring
9. Direct clutch separator plate
10. Direct clutch disc
, 57 – 113
Automatic Transmission/Transaxle:
11. Direct clutch retaining plate
12. Plate snap ring
: Apply automatic transaxle fluid.
: Do not reuse.
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