Differential Side Oil Seal Replacement
1) Lift up vehicle and drain transaxle oil.
2) Remove drive shaft assembly and center shaft
referring to "Front Drive Shaft Assembly Removal
and Installation: Front in Section 3A".
3) Remove oil seal (1) by using special tool.
Special tool
(A): 09913–50121
4) Install a new oil seal (1) by using special tool.
• When installing oil seal, face its spring
side inward.
• Install oil seal horizontally to surface of
Special tool
(A): 09913–75810
(B): 09913–75510
Distance between case and right oil seal for 2WD
"a": 9.5 – 10.5 mm (0.37 – 0.41 in.)
Distance between case and left oil seal
"b": 0 – 1.0 mm (0 – 0.04 in.)
5) Apply grease to oil seal lip and at the same time
check drive shaft where oil seal contacts and make
sure of its smoothness.
"A": Grease 99000–25011 (SUZUKI Super
Grease A)
6) Insert drive shaft assembly and center shaft referring
to "Front Drive Shaft Assembly Removal and
Installation: Front in Section 3A".
7) Pour transaxle oil referring to "Manual Transaxle Oil
Manual Transmission/Transaxle:
1, "A"
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