R&S ZNB Series User Manual page 504

Vector network analyzers
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The purpose of the typical result traces "Trc1"" and "Trc2" is to avoid connection errors
and to track hardware problems: if the correct standard type is measured, and every-
thing is properly connected, then the measured traces are expected to be similar to the
typical trace.
The S-Parameter traces are labeled P[j_i]_<standard type> Sij, where j indicates the
input (test) port and i indicates the output port, e.g. P[1_2]_Unknown_Through S21.
If switch matrices are involved, the label also indicates:
which VNA port b is switched to the input port j and
which VNA port a is switched to the output port i
Instead of a single Sij trace we have multiple traces Sijvativbtj. E.g., "S21v1t1v2t2"
means that S21 is measured with VNA port 1 connected to the input port and VNA port
2 connected to the output port.
Power Sweep Diagrams
The "Pmtr<n>(P<m>)" traces are displayed during the "Power" calibration sweep.
Ports, Standards and Power
Allows you to perform the required calibration standard measurements, plus the addi-
tional "Power" measurement.
A green checkmark indicates that the calibration data of a standard or power meter has
been acquired successfully. A green checkmark after the port symbol indicates that the
minimum number of calibration measurements for the port has been performed.
Tip: Optional calibration measurements
If the selected calibration kit comprises a Sliding Match, then for every required
Match measurement either the Match or at least three positions of the Sliding
Match must be measured. See
on page 178.
For a PTRL calibration, at least one line standard must be measured between any
pair of calibrated ports. See
Note: The power calibration sweep is performed at the "Reference Receiver Cal
Power" setting from the scalar power calibration; see
on page 528.
Remote command:
See also:
Restart Sweep on Std. Meas.
If this function is active, a new standard measurement initiates a new sweep, starting
at the beginning ("Start") of the sweep range: The sweep points for the calibration
sweep are in ascending order, like for an ordinary measurement.
If "Restart Sweep on Std. Meas." is inactive, the new standard measurement is started
at the current sweep point; the current sweep is continued as a calibration sweep.
This function has a secondary effect in IDLE mode (i.e. while the calibration sweep is
NOT running):
If active, only the selected trace is refreshed.
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Chapter, "TRL
Chapter, "Sliding Match
"Reference Receiver Cal Power"
GUI reference
Cal softtool
on page 170.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents