R&S ZNB Series User Manual page 813

Vector network analyzers
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The following rules simplify and abbreviate the command syntax:
Multiple mnemonics
Some mnemonics occur on several levels within one command system. Their
effect depends on the structure of the command, i. e. on the position in the com-
mand header they are inserted in.
This command contains the mnemonic SOURce in the first command level. It
defines the frequency for sweep types operating at fixed frequency.
TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal
This command contains the mnemonic SOURce in the second command level. It
defines the trigger source "external trigger".
Optional mnemonics
Some command systems permit certain mnemonics to be optionally inserted into
the header or omitted. These mnemonics are marked by square brackets in this
manual. The full command length must be recognized by the instrument for rea-
sons of compatibility with the SCPI standard. Some commands are considerably
shortened by omitting optional mnemonics.
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce EXTernal
This command defines the trigger source "external trigger". The following command
has the same effect:
TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal
The short form is marked by uppercase letters, the long form corresponds to the
complete word. Uppercase and lowercase notation only serves to distinguish the
two forms in the manual, the instrument itself is case-insensitive.
Parameters must be separated from the header by a white space. If several
parameters are specified in a command, they are separated by a comma ,". For a
description of the parameter types, refer to section Parameters.
SOURce:GROup 1,1
This command defines a group of measured ports.
Numeric suffix
If a device features several functions or features of the same kind, e.g. several
channels or test ports, the desired function can be selected by a suffix added to the
command. Entries without suffix are interpreted like entries with the suffix 1.
SOURce:GROup2 1,1
This command defines a second group (group no 2) of measured ports.
Structure of a command line
A command line may consist of one or several commands. It is terminated by a <New
Line>, a <New Line> with EOI or an EOI together with the last data byte. Tools like the
GPIB Explorer automatically produce an EOI together with the last data byte.
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Remote control


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