R&S ZNB Series User Manual page 411

Vector network analyzers
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Center = Marker / Start = Marker / Stop = Marker / Span = Marker
The following functions use the stimulus value of the active marker to define the sweep
"Center = Marker" sets the center of the sweep range equal to the stimulus value of
the active marker, leaving the span unchanged. The active marker appears in the
center of the diagram.
"Start = Marker" sets the beginning (start) of the sweep range equal to the stimulus
value of the active marker, leaving the end (stop) value unchanged. The active
marker appears at the left edge of the diagram.
"Stop = Marker" sets the end (stop) of the sweep range equal to the stimulus value
of the active marker, leaving the beginning (start) unchanged. The active marker
appears at the right edge of the diagram.
"Span = Marker" is only available for frequency sweeps (linear or logarithmic). It is
enabled if the active marker is in
span to the range between the active delta marker and the reference marker.
Remote command:
Ref Val = Marker / Max = Marker / Min = Marker
The following functions use the response value of the active marker to scale the y-axis
of the diagram:
"Ref Val = Marker" sets the reference value equal to the response value of the
active marker, leaving the values of the vertical divisions ("Scale / Div") unchanged.
"Max = Marker" sets the upper edge of the diagram equal to the response value of
the active marker, leaving the values of the vertical divisions ("Scale / Div")
"Min = Marker" sets the lower edge of the diagram equal to the response value of
the active marker, leaving the values of the vertical divisions ("Scale / Div")
Remote command:
Zero Delay at Marker
This function is available for
that the delay at the marker position becomes zero. Mathematically, it modifies the
measurement results by subtracting the delay at the current marker position.
The delay represents the propagation time of the wave. Hence "Zero Delay at Marker"
performs an electrical length compensation, by adding or subtracting a simulated loss-
less transmission line of variable length to or from the test port. This shift of the refer-
ence plane must be carried out on the "Delay" trace, but has an impact on all trace for-
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Mode. "Span = Marker" adjusts the sweep
traces only. It shifts the trace in vertical direction so
GUI reference
Marker softtool


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