R&S ZNB Series User Manual page 311

Vector network analyzers
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Imb21/Imb12 /CMRR21/CMRR12
Selects one of the standard 2-port
quantity for the active trace. The buttons are available if either logical port 1 or logical
port 2 (or both) is defined as a balanced port.
A yellow font color indicates that currently the other logical port number is undefined
and the physical port with the same number is marked as unused. If you select it as the
measured quantity, the port is automatically enabled as a single-ended port with "logi-
cal port number" = "physical port number".
Remote command:
"IMB12" | "CMRR21" | "CMRR12"
"IMB12" | "CMRR21" | "CMRR12"
Imbalance Differential dialog
Allows you to measure the differential mode imbalance of a DUT with balanced input
and output ports, connected to a balanced and two single-ended logical ports at the
Access: Trace – [Meas] > "Imbal. CMRR" > "Imbalance Differential..."
This dialog can only be opened, if a balanced and two single-ended logical ports are
configured in the
The Logical Port on the left represents the balanced test port: any (active) bal-
anced logical port can be selected
Physical Port 1 and Physical Port 2 represent the two single-ended test ports: any
two (active) single-ended logical ports can be selected
The part below allows you to select the signal direction and hence the "Imbalance
Result" to be calculated.
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
imbalance or CMRR
Balanced Ports
parameters as a measured
"<Trace_Name>", "IMB21" |
"<Trace_Name>", "IMB21" |
GUI reference
Meas softtool


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Table of Contents