R&S ZNB Series User Manual page 325

Vector network analyzers
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Properties: The stimulus variable appears on the horizontal axis, scaled linearly. The
phase of the complex quantity C, i.e. φ (C) = arctan ( Im(C) / Re(C) ), appears on the
vertical axis. φ (C) is measured relative to the phase at the start of the sweep (refer-
ence phase = 0°). In contrast to the normal
ted to values between –180° and +180°. This format avoids artificial jumps of the trace
but can entail a relatively wide phase range if the sweep span is large.
Application: Phase measurements, e.g. phase distortion, deviation from linearity.
Tip: After changing to the "Unwr Phase" format, use the "Auto Scale Trace" function to
rescale the vertical axis and view the entire trace (see
on page 329).
Remote command:
Lin Mag
Selects a Cartesian diagram with a linear vertical axis scale to display the magnitude of
the measured quantity.
Properties: The stimulus variable appears on the horizontal axis, scaled linearly. The
magnitude of the complex quantity C, i.e. |C| = sqrt ( Re(C)
vertical axis, also scaled linearly.
Application: Real measurement data (i.e. the stability factors and the DC voltages)
are always displayed in a Lin Mag diagram.
Tip (alternative formats): The magnitude of each complex quantity can be displayed
on a logarithmic scale. It is possible to view the real and imaginary parts instead of the
magnitude and phase.
Remote command:
Log Mag
Selects a Cartesian diagram with a logarithmic (base 10) vertical axis scale to display
the magnitude of the measured quantity.
Properties: The stimulus variable appears on the horizontal axis, scaled linearly. The
magnitude of the complex quantity C, i.e. |C| = sqrt ( Re(C)
vertical axis, scaled logarithmically.
Application: Impedance measurements
Remote command:
Selects a Cartesian diagram to display the real part of a complex measured quantity.
Properties: The stimulus variable appears on the horizontal axis, scaled linearly. The
real part Re(C) of the complex quantity C = Re(C) + j Im(C), appears on the vertical
axis, also scaled linearly.
Application: The real part of an impedance corresponds to its resistive portion.
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
format, the display range is not limi-
GUI reference
Format softtool
"Auto Scale Trace"
+ Im(C)
), appears on the
+ Im(C)
), appears on the


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