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Renesas M16C/50 Series User Manual page 59


M16C/5L Group, M16C/56 Group
Special function registers (SFRs) are allocated from address 00000h to 003FFh and from 0D000h to
0D7FFh. Peripheral function control registers are located here. All blank spaces within SFRs are reserved,
so do not access any blank spaces.
The internal RAM is allocated from address 00400h to superior direction. For example, a 8 KB internal RAM
is addressed from 00400h to 023FFh. The internal RAM is used not only for data storage but also for stack
area when subroutines are called or when interrupt request are acknowledged.
The internal ROM is flash memory. Three internal ROM areas are available: data flash, program ROM 1,
and program ROM 2.
The data flash is addressed from 0E000h to 0FFFFh. This data flash space is used not only for data storage
but also for program storage.
Program ROM 2 is assigned addresses 10000h to 13FFFh. Program ROM 1 is assigned addresses
FFFFFh to inferior direction. For example, the 64 KB program ROM 1 space has addresses F0000h to
The special page vectors are assigned addresses FFE00h to FFFD7h. They are used for the JMPS
instruction and JSRS instruction. Refer to the M16C/60, M16C/20, M16C/Tiny Series Software Manual for
The fixed vector table for interrupts, ID code write address, OFS1 address and OSF2 address are assigned
addresses FFFDBh to FFFFFh.
The 256 bytes beginning with the start address set in the INTB register compose the relocatable vector table
for interrupts.
R01UH0127EJ0110 Rev.1.10
Sep 01, 2011
3. Memory
Page 22 of 803

