JunosE 11.2.x Command Reference Guide A to M
ip mobile secure foreign-agent
Release Information
ip mobile secure foreign-agent ipAddress spi spi key { hex hexKeyVal | ascii asciiKeyVal }
[ replay timestamp within seconds ] [ algorithm { hmac-md5 | keyed-md5 } ]
no ip mobile secure foreign-agent ipAddress spi spi key { hex hexKeyVal |
ascii asciiKeyVal }
Command introduced in JunosE Release 9.0.0.
Configures the security associations for a foreign agent by specifying a security parameter
index (SPI) value and an authentication key. You can specify the interval within which a
registration request can exceed the home agent configured time value by specifying the
replay timestamp within keyword. The no version deletes the security associations for
the specified foreign agent on the virtual router.
ipAddress—IP address of the foreign agent
spi—Security parameter index (SPI) value, a specific 4-octet hexadecimal number, in
the range 0x100–0xFFFFFFFF, that authenticates inbound requests and permits
authentication for outbound registration requests
hexKeyVal—128-bit hexadecimal number, in the range 0x0–0xFFFFFFFE, that specifies
the authentication key for a specific security association
asciiKeyVal—128-bit alphanumeric value, up to a maximum of 16 characters, that
specifies the authentication key for a specific security association
seconds—Number of seconds, in the range 1–255, by which a registration request can
exceed the home agent configured time value; default value is 7 seconds
hmac-md5—Specifies the authentication algorithm for Mobile IP messages, default
value is hmac-md5
keyed-md5—Specifies the authentication algorithm for Mobile IP messages
Global Configuration
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