R&S ESU Series Operating Manual page 400

Emi test receiver
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' Set up connection to measuring instrument
ud = RSDLLibfind("", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
If (ud < 0) Then
Call MsgBox("Device with address could" & _
End If
' Determine maximum peak in the range 1-2MHZ
Call RSDLLibwrt(ud, "*RST", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Call RSDLLibwrt(ud, "INST:SEL SAN", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Call RSDLLibwrt(ud, "INIT:CONT OFF", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Call RSDLLibwrt(ud, "FREQ:START 1MHZ", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Call RSDLLibwrt(ud, "FREQ:STOP 2MHZ", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Call RSDLLibwrt(ud, "INIT:IMM;*WAI", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Call RSDLLibwrt(ud, "CALC:MARK:MAX;Y?", ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Response = Space$(100)
Call RSDLLibrd(ud, Response, ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
Response = RTrim(Response)
' Cut off space
' Insert value in current document (Winword)
Selection.InsertBefore (Response)
Selection.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
' Terminate connection to measuring instrument
Call RSDLLibonl(ud, 0, ibsta, iberr, ibcntl)
End Sub
The entry of the peak value in the Winword document can be replaced as follows for
' Insert value in current document (Excel)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Response
C / C++
Programming tips
Access to the functions of the RSIB32.DLL (Windows platforms)
The functions of the RSIB32.DLL are declared in the header file RSIB.H. The DLL
functions can be linked to a C/C++ program in different ways.
Operating Manual 1302.6163.12 - 03
"not be found", vbExclamation)
Enter one of the supplied import libraries (RSIB.LIB or RSIB32.LIB) into the
linker options.
Load the library using the function LoadLibrary() during runtime and
determine the function pointers of the DLL functions using GetProcAddress().
Before the end of the program, the RSIB.DLL must be unloaded again using the
function FreeLibrary().
Instrument Functions
RSIB Interface Functions

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