Rope Gripper Wiring; Temporary Rope Gripper Bypass; Temporary Cartop Inspection Wiring; Applying Power - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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Rope Gripper Wiring

An "emergency brake" may be connected between iControl terminals RG1 and RG2 to stop
unexpected car motion. A rope gripper is used to apply braking pressure to the hoist ropes.
After it is triggered, press the iBox Fault Reset button or the Rope Gripper board reset button to
reset the rope gripper.
1. Refer to the job prints (MRW- machine room wiring sheets).
2. Connect the rope gripper to iControl RG1, RG2, RG5, and RG7 terminals as shown.

Temporary Rope Gripper Bypass

If a Rope Gripper will be installed later, you may temporarily bypass the input by installing a
jumper between RG5 and RG7.

Temporary Cartop Inspection Wiring

Four cartop switches control car motion:
An Inspection Enable switch, a Safe switch,
an Up switch, and a Down switch.
1. Refer to job print drawing -CW,
Cartop Inspection Station.
2. Connect the (Normally Closed) Car-
top Inspection Enable switch
between the #3 bus and the iCon-
trol INCT terminal as shown. (This
is the switch used to put the controller on cartop inspection. INCT is active low.)
3. Connect a Safe push button switch between the #3 bus and the direction push buttons.
4. Connect a Down push button switch between the Safe switch and the iControl ICTD ter-
minal as shown (active high).
5. Connect an Up push button switch between the Safe switch and the iControl ICTU ter-
minal as shown (active high).

Applying Power

1. Set the iBox Inspection switch to the Inspection position.
2. Set the Controller Stop switch to the Stop position.
3. Set the Test switch to On.
4. Turn on power at the main disconnect.
5. Watch the front panel displays of the iBox, the controller will take about 60 seconds to
6. Check the iBox Computer, Safety A, and Safety B status LEDs. The LEDs should be
lighted solid green.
Applying Power


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