MCi iControl User Manual page 724

For ac elevators
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Cross-registration 10-36
CT INSP. DISABLED message 6-22
CTEX NO CWI CFG ERROR message 6-22
Current Limiting 4-14
Custom Outputs 9-124
Custom outputs, configuring 9-139
DAC Offset Status test point, description 11-4
DAC, verifying DAC conversion 2-48
Data trap 9-11
Data Trap Triggering Event 9-11
DCAB, Door Contact Access Bottom input 6-115, 11-11
DCAT, Door Contact Access Top input 6-115, 11-11
DCL, Door Close Limit input 6-113, 11-8
DCMS, Door Contact Main String input 6-115, 11-11
Dead zone distance parameter 9-130
Dead zone, adjusting for final stop 4-27
Deceleration parameter 4-13, 9-132
Deceleration rate, bunching up of 4-15
Default IP Addresses 2-34
iBox settings 7-9
default parameter settings, saving 8-21
Delayed Mechanically In Service output 9-116
Demand Down Peak 10-71
Demand Down Peak Mode message 6-24
Demand Down Peak mode, selecting 10-15
demand peak detection parameters 10-17
Demand peak options 10-17
Demand peak parameters 10-19
Demand Up Peak 10-71
Demand Up Peak Mode message 6-24
Demand Up Peak mode, selecting 10-15
DETS, Down Emergency Terminal Limit switch input 6-114,
Devices configuration 9-33–9-36
Diagnostic flags
Car Operation 9-12
Drive 9-12
Motion 9-12
Safety 9-12
Diagnostic Outputs window 9-13
Diagnostics 9-11–9-23
Data Trap 9-11
Diagnostic Flags 9-12
Event Log 9-14
Fault Bypass 9-17
Terminal Switches Status 9-19
Direct connections 8-5–8-12
connecting 8-11
creating 2-39, 8-9
Direct connections, 3 = PC port 2-35
Direction arrow down 2 output 9-116
Direction Arrow Down output 9-116
Direction arrow up 2 output 9-116
Direction Arrow Up output 9-116
Disable Front Hall Door Buttons input 9-110
Disable Rear Hall Door Buttons input 9-110
Dispatcher = Car 'n' message 6-24
Index-6 Manual # 42-02-2222
Dispatching ??–10-31
Configurations tab, Simplex / Swing / Backup Dispatch-
er 10-12
Dispatching tab 10-11
Dispatching, description 1-4
Display contrast, iBox control 7-4
DLAB, Door Lock Access Bottom input 6-115, 11-11
DLAT, Door Lock Access Top input 6-115, 11-11
DLM, Down Leveling Marker Sensor input 6-113, 11-8
DLMS, Door Lock Main String input 6-115, 11-11
DN NTSn L1 SPEED FLT message 6-25
DN NTSn L2 SPEED FLT message 6-26
DN NTSn POSITION FLT message 6-26
DNT1, Down Slowdown Limit switch #1 input 6-114, 11-9
DNT2, Down Slowdown Limit switch #2 input 6-114, 11-9
DNT3, Down Slowdown Limit switch #3 input 6-114, 11-9
DNT4, Down Slowdown Limit switch #4 input 6-114, 11-9
DNT5, Down Slowdown Limit switch #5 input 6-114, 11-9
DNTD, Down Normal Limit Direction switch input 6-114, 11-9
docking and undocking windows in iView 8-35
DOL, Door Open Limit input 6-113, 11-8
Door Close Protection Timer 9-31
Door Dwell Timers 9-41
ADA Car Call 9-41
ADA Hall Call 9-41
Car Call 9-41
Hall Call 9-41
Lobby Call Dwell 9-41
Reopen Dwell 9-41
DOOR LK CLIPPED G200 message 6-24
DOOR LK CLIPPED L200 message 6-24
Door Lock Clipped Greater than 200fpm message 6-24
Door Lock Clipped Less than 200fpm message 6-24
Door lock indicators 9-10
DOOR LOCK OPENED message 6-24
Door Motor Protection Timers
Closing 9-31
Opening 9-31
Door Open Button Bypass Timer 9-31
Door Opening Protection Timer 9-31
Door operator, preparing for final adjustments 3-28
Door parameters, verifying 3-24
Door pre-opening distance parameter 9-129
Door times 10-22
Door Zone 3-2
Door Zone Sensor (DZ) 3-12
Doors configuration 9-30–9-32
Doors Locked, iBox status LED 7-11
DOWN DIR LIMIT OPEN message 6-24
Down Direction Limit Open message 6-24
Down Emergency Switch Shutdown message 6-25
Down Emergency Terminal Switch Position Fault message 6-
DOWN ETS SHUTDOWN message 6-25
Down Level 3-2
Down Normal Terminal 'n' Level 1 Speed Fault message 6-25
Down Normal Terminal 'n' Level 2 Speed Fault message 6-26
Down Normal Terminal 'n' Position Fault message 6-26
Down switch, iBox control 7-12


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