MCi iControl User Manual page 653

For ac elevators
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4. In the selection list that appears, select the desired security condition (Unlock/ Lock/
Secure), and click OK.
5. If Secure is selected, chose the desired enable method(s)
that will allow calls to be registered, and click OK.
• Enable 1: Hall call enable 1 input activation.
• Enable 2: Hall call enable 2 input activation.
• Enable 1 AND Enable 2: Activation of both Hall call
enable 1 and Hall call enable 2 inputs.
• Enable 1 OR Enable 2: Activation of either Hall call
enable 1 or Hall call. enable 2 input.
Alternate selection methods
• Click in a floor label in the Floor column to select all call types for that floor.
• Click a column heading, e.g. Main, Main Front or Main Front Up to select that type of
call for all floors.
• Click and drag to select multiple floors and/or multiple columns (call types).
• Once the floor(s) and call type(s) are selected, click
the Set Selection button. The Input Setup dialog is
• Select the desired security condition as described in
steps 4 and 5 and click OK.
6. When you have the hall call security settings as
desired, click Send to send the settings to iControl.
Other controls - General
• Security input latch time: Hall call enable inputs can be activated by a card reader or
key switch, etc. Card readers typically hold the enable input activated for a period of time
so that the user has time to enter the desired call. However, if a momentary switch or key
switch is used to activate the hall call enable input, this control allows you to set the length
of time that the user has to enter the call, after the hall call enable input has been deacti-
• Hall call enable 1 (or 2) inputs active high: These controls allow you to program the
hall call enable inputs to activate on either a low or high going signal.
• Allow parking at secured hall call: Cars are not allowed to park at a floor that is
secured for hall calls unless this control is checked.
• Allow parking at a partially locked floor: Cars may park at a floor where some hall
calls are locked, e.g. down hall calls locked but up hall calls are allowed.
Configuration Tabs - Security


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