Normal Terminal Switch Overspeed Tests - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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Normal Terminal Switch Overspeed Tests

Per switch, this test verifies that either an emergency slowdown or emergency stop will be initi-
ated if an elevator encounters an NTS switch and is moving at a speed greater than the pro-
grammed overspeed value for that switch. The car is arranged to run toward the target NTS
switch without initiating any form of slowdown. When the car activates the NTS switch, it will
execute either an emergency slowdown or an emergency stop, depending upon the overspeed
margin detected. The car will then finish the run to a landing at leveling or correction speed.
1. It is imperative that deceleration and jerk rates for the Emergency slowdown profile be
set to greater values than Standard profile deceleration and jerk rates so that initiation
of an emergency slowdown will stop the elevator quickly and safely. Check the Standard
and Emergency slowdown profiles to see that this is the case. For a typical, 500 fpm car,
Standard jerk and deceleration settings might be 4.0 and 3.0 respectively; for the Emer-
gency slowdown profile, jerk and deceleration might be 15.0 and 6.0 respectively. Adjust
the Emergency slowdown profile parameters as necessary to ensure a rapid, aggressive
stop sufficient to avoid running the car into the buffer.
2. Go to the Configuration > Pattern > Modes tab/Emergency slowdown profile and verify
that Deceleration is set correctly. It is generally set to 5.0, and must be greater than the
Standard profile - Deceleration parameter.
3. Go to the Configuration > Drive > General tab and verify that Emergency rate limited
stop is set correctly. It is generally set to 7.0, and must be greater than the Emergency
slowdown profile - Deceleration parameter.
4. Position the empty car far enough away from the target NTS switch to allow a speed to
be reached that exceeds the learned overspeed value for that switch for the Overspeed
Level 1 or Level 2 (whichever is being tested).
5. Go to the Diagnostics > Terminal Switches Status tab. Note the Overspeed 1 and 2
speeds learned for the terminal switch to be tested.
6. On the Safety Test window, select Normal Terminal Switch 'n' Overspeed Test - Level 'n'
for the switch and level to be tested.
7. Set the test Speed to the Overspeed 1 (Level 1) or Overspeed 2 (Level 2) speed, plus 10
fpm, for the switch/test. Caution! If the speed is set below the overspeed threshold, no
slowdown will be initiated and the elevator/counterweight will strike the buffer.
8. Follow on-screen instructions and perform the test. The car should perform either an
emergency slowdown or emergency stop. For additional information
Switch Overspeed and Position Faults" on page
9. On the Operational Status tab, verify that the appropriate fault is shown in the Faults
10. Continue testing the remaining normal terminal switches by repeating steps 4 through
see "Terminal
Safety Tests


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