Car Operation - Fire Service Tab - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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Car Operation - Fire Service Tab

Settings on this tab determine car behavior during Fire Service operation. Fire Service opera-
tion typically proceeds in two stages. (Some codes allow the second stage to be initiated at any
time by switch actuation.) The first stage, Recall, begins when a fire alarm, smoke detector, or
fire recall switch is activated. During Recall, the elevator moves to a pre-determined floor to
make itself available to emergency personnel. Based on the location of the initiating device(s),
smoke detector, sensors, or recall switch, the car recalls to either the Main or Alternate recall
floor. During recall, car speed and performance may be controlled by Standard Pattern or by
Alternate 1 Pattern parameters (Configuration > Pattern tab). Car behavior during recall is
determined by the Fire Code selected and by any user modifications to the selected Fire Code
made using tabs accessed through the Configuration > Car Operation > Fire Service > Fire code
Once cars arrive at the recall floor, they are taken out of service and will not respond to hall calls
or car calls until the In Car Firefighter switch is activated. In this second stage of Fire Service,
the car behaves as determined by the Fire Code selected and by any user modifications to the
selected Fire Code made using tabs accessed through the Configuration > Car Operation > Fire
Service > Fire code tab. During Fire Phase 2, car speed and performance may be controlled by
Standard Pattern or by Alternate 2 Pattern parameters Configuration > Pattern tab).
Main Recall
• Floor: Specifies the Main Recall floor for Fire Recall operation.
• Front Opening: Specifies that the front doors shall open when the car completes Fire
Recall Operation to the Main Recall floor.
• Rear Opening: Specifies that the rear doors shall open when the car completes Fire Recall
Operation to the Main Recall floor.
Alternate Recall
• Floor: Specifies the Alternate Recall floor for Fire Recall operation.
• Front Opening: Specifies that the front doors shall open when the car completes Fire
Recall Operation to the Alternate Recall floor.
• Rear Opening: Specifies that the rear doors shall open when the car completes Fire
Recall Operation to the Alternate Recall floor.
9-44 Manual # 42-02-2222
Settings for Main fire recall.
Settings for alternate fire recall.


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