Cross-Cancellation - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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• ETA threshold: If an iControl car is available and can answer a call within the ETS
threshold time, the call is assigned to the iControl car. Otherwise the call is passed to the
legacy dispatcher.
When using cross-registration, care must be taken to ensure that the hall call eligibility (System
> Configuration > Hall Call Eligibility) for the legacy cars is correct so that the iControl central
dispatcher knows whether the car has proper access privileges.


With cross-cancellation, the legacy dispatcher receives the hall calls and assignees them to leg-
acy cars. The legacy dispatcher also passes the calls, via a relay closure corresponding to the
riser and direction of the call, to the iControl central dispatcher (iCentral) which assigns the
calls to iControl cars. If the iControl car is first to answer the call, the central dispatcher signals
the legacy dispatcher to cancel the call, and vice versa.
• Cross-cancellation output timer: (de-bounce for the "call answered" output) When
the legacy dispatcher sees the relay closure indicating that an iControl car has answered a
call, it takes some finite time to recognize and process the signal, at which point it cancels
the hall call demand. iControl then waits for the duration set in this timer before dropping
its "call answered" closure. This delay prevents the legacy system from misinterpreting the
relay state change as "call not yet satisfied."
Configuration Tabs - Legacy Group Interface


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