MCi iControl User Manual page 324

For ac elevators
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Table 6.3 iControl Messages
Invalid Configuration TALRQ, INVALID CNFG TALRQ
Description: Top Access Landing Rear Qualifier. The safety system detected an input/safety setting differ-
ence when cross checking inputs against configuration.
Car Reaction: Safety OK remains off.
1. Verify car setup/wiring matches the Safety screen setting for the option.
2. Press Fault Reset to clear.
3. Re-learn the Safety Configuration.
Invalid Configuration Inventory Cross Check BALRQ, INV INVTRY XCHK BALRQ
Description: Bottom Access Landing Rear Qualifier. The safety system detected a configuration/inventory
(board complement) difference when cross checking board complement against system configuration.
Car Reaction: Safety OK remains off.
1. Verify that the Configuration settings on the Setup > Safety > Configuration tab match the car options/
wiring. Any rear door options require a rear door board be attached to the safety expansion bus. Like-
wise, a rear door board attached to the safety expansion bus requires at least one rear door option be
selected on the Safety Configuration (Setup > Safety > Configuration tab).
2. If the safety configuration is incorrect, make appropriate changes and re-learn the new configuration
using the Learn operation on the Setup > Safety > Configuration tab.
3. Re-learn the inventory of boards using the Inventory Learn procedure on the Setup > Safety > Inventory
4. Reset the fault (press the iBox FAULT RESET button).
Invalid Configuration Inventory Cross Check DCCOR, INV INVTRY XCHK DCCOR
Description: Door Close Contact Rear. The safety system detected a configuration/inventory (board comple-
ment) difference when cross checking board complement against system configuration.
Car Reaction: Safety OK remains off.
1. Verify that the Configuration settings on the Setup > Safety > Configuration tab match the car options/
wiring. Any rear door options require a rear door board be attached to the safety expansion bus. Like-
wise, a rear door board attached to the safety expansion bus requires at least one rear door option be
selected on the Safety Configuration (Setup > Safety > Configuration tab).
2. If the safety configuration is incorrect, make appropriate changes and re-learn the new configuration
using the Learn operation on the Setup > Safety > Configuration tab.
3. Re-learn the inventory of boards using the Inventory Learn procedure on the Setup > Safety > Inventory
4. Reset the fault (press the iBox FAULT RESET button).
Invalid Configuration Inventory Cross Check NMS R, INV INVTRY XCHK NMS R
Description: No Main String Rear. The safety system detected a configuration/inventory (board complement)
difference when cross checking board complement against system configuration.
Car Reaction: Safety OK remains off.
1. Verify that the Configuration settings on the Setup > Safety > Configuration tab match the car options/
wiring. Any rear door options require a rear door board be attached to the safety expansion bus. Like-
wise, a rear door board attached to the safety expansion bus requires at least one rear door option be
selected on the Safety Configuration (Setup > Safety > Configuration tab).
2. If the safety configuration is incorrect, make appropriate changes and re-learn the new configuration
using the Learn operation on the Setup > Safety > Configuration tab.
3. Re-learn the inventory of boards using the Inventory Learn procedure on the Setup > Safety > Inventory
4. Reset the fault (press the iBox FAULT RESET button).
6-48 Manual # 42-02-2222
iControl Messages


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