Iview Windows And Tabs; Controller - Configuration Tabs; Controller - Diagnostic Tabs; Controller - Setup Tabs - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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iView Windows and Tabs

The View menu is used to navigate to the various windows and tabs in the Controller view and
System view. Many tabs have subordinate tabs that are not shown here, but are documented in
the Content Overview tables that follow.

Controller - Configuration Tabs

Controller parameter settings are displayed and may be changed on the Controller - Configura-
tion tabs. The Configuration tabs may be accessed in one of two ways.
1. While in Controller view
tab from the View > Configuration menu.
2. Display all of the Configuration tabs by selecting Configuration from the View > Layouts
menu. Then click the desired configuration tab.

Controller - Diagnostic Tabs

The Controller - Diagnostic tabs contain information about the status and condition of the con-
troller. The Diagnostic tabs can be accessed in one of two ways.
1. Select the desired tab from the View > Diagnostics menu.
2. Display all of the Diagnostic tabs by selecting Diagnostics from the View > Layouts
menu. Then click the desired diagnostics tab.

Controller - Setup Tabs

The Controller - Setup tabs are used to perform the iControl automatic and semi-automatic
setup procedures. The Setup tabs can be accessed by selecting Setup from the View menu. Then
click the desired calibration tab.

Additional Windows

Additional windows can be accessed from the View menu. They include:
• Data Trap
• Hoistway
• Outputs
• Safety Tests
• Virtual Oscilloscope
(see "Selecting Controller View" on page
iView Windows and Tabs
9-1), select the desired


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