Software Test Point Signals - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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Software Test Point Signals

The iBox allows you to select any one of over fifty signals to display on-screen in iView or on the
iBox LCD display at each of two "software test points." A signal selected on a software test point
(Test Point 1, Test Point 2) is also output on the corresponding iBox physical test point (STP 1,
STP 2). For example, if you selected Brake Voltage on software Test Point 1, the Brake Voltage
value would be displayed on screen and would also be output on iBox test point STP 1. Signals
you can choose from are listed in the following table.
Raw signals are unprocessed signals directly from a source. They are frequently too "spikey" to
use to read an average value but provide proof of activity and instantaneous reaction to chang-
ing conditions.
Filtered values represent the average, filtered value extrapolated from the raw signal to provide
a viewable, "smoothed," signal.
Table 11.2 Test Point Signals
Test Signal
Acceleration (Command)
Acceleration (Directional)
Acceleration (Filtered)
Acceleration (Interpolated)
Acceleration (Raw)
Acceleration (Slew)
Armature Active Status
Armature Command Control
Armature Command (Damped)
Armature Command (Raw)
Armature Composite Control
Armature Control Set
Armature Current Dampen Feedback
Armature Current Signal
Armature Current Synthetic Feedback
Armature Differential Command
Armature Differential Gain
Description / Text References
Post-filter, acceleration command signal.
Directional acceleration signal.
Pre-filtered acceleration signal.
Interpolated (smoothed) acceleration signal.
Raw acceleration signal.
Slew rate limited acceleration signal.
High = armature control enabled.
Filtered armature composite command.
Damped armature composite command.
Raw armature composite command.
The summation of Armature Command Control and Armature
Feed forward Control.
PID control sets that reflect standard, start (normal), stop (nor-
mal), steady-state (normal) and start (relevel) adjustment
0 = Idle - before motor contactor picks [PID - Standard]
1 = Idle - after motor contactor picks [PID - Start (normal)]
2 = Acceleration [PID - Standard]
3 = Peak [PID - Steady-State (normal)]
4 = Deceleration [PID - Standard]
5 = Flare [PID - Stop (normal)]
6 = Leveling [PID - Standard]
7 = Idle - before motor contactor drops [PID - Standard]
8 = Idle - before motor contactor picks [PID - Standard]
9 = Idle - after motor contactor picks [PID - Start (relevel)]
10 = Acceleration - Leveling [PID - Standard]
Armature current dampening signal.
Raw armature current feedback signal.
Armature current synthetic speed signal used for internal speed
reference and for current safety calibration.
Armature differential command.
Armature differential gain.
Software Test Point Signals


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