MCi iControl User Manual page 526

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When a CFSS mode is activated, the affected car is recalled to the activation floor
according to the behavior defined by these settings.
• Disposition of existing car calls: Once a car has been assigned a CFSS call, these settings
determine how existing car calls will be handled.
• Service existing car calls: All currently registered car calls will be serviced before the
car is recalled. Audio and visual indicators in the car will signal passengers.
• Cancel immediately: Car calls are canceled and the car will proceed immediately to the
recall floor. If this choice is selected, you may also choose to enable "Stop at next floor
and cycle doors" in which case the car will stop at the next floor in its direction of travel
and cycle its doors while using visual and audio indicators to signal passengers to exit.
Once passengers have exited, the car will proceed to the recall floor.
• Cancel calls at next car call stop: All remaining car calls will be cancelled at the cars
next stop. Audio and visual indicators within the car will signal the passengers to exit.
• Stop at next floor and cycle doors: Allows passengers to exit if car calls are canceled.
• Allow new car call registration: Should be selected if "Recall empty car" is selected, to
ensure recalling an empty car in case a passenger enters after hall call service is canceled.
• Recall empty car: Specifies that the recalled car must be empty. Select an appropriate "Dis-
position of existing car calls" option that will result in the car being empty. Once all car
calls have been cleared, the car will close its doors and must then pass the empty car test
(Empty Load Input = On, Car Not Empty Sensor Input = Off or car weight is below the
Load Weigher Empty load threshold setting) before the Recall empty car timer expires.
• Recall empty car timer: This timer starts when all car calls have been cleared and the doors
are fully closed. If the car has not passed the empty car test before this timer expires, it
removes itself from CFSS service to allow the dispatcher to re-assign the CFSS call. If no
car is available the CFSS call is canceled.
• In-car visual indicator behavior: The visual indicator may be set to remain off, light con-
tinuously, or light intermittently (Flash).
• In-car audible indicator behavior: The alarm may be set to remain off, sound constantly,
or sound intermittently (Flash).
• Cars on independent service are eligible for CFSS: If enabled, a car currently operating on
Independent Service mode may be assigned a CFSS call.
• Bypass independent service after "nnn" sec: Determines the delay from when a car is
assigned a CFSS call to when Independent Service is bypassed and the car begins CFSS
• Cars on attendant service are eligible for CFSS: If enabled, a car currently operating on
Attendant Service mode may be assigned a CFSS call.
• Bypass attendant service after "nnn" sec. Determines the delay from when a car is
assigned a CFSS call to when Attendant Service is bypassed and the car begins CFSS
• Bypass stop switch when car on CFSS recall: Enable if activation of the in-car Stop switch
should be ignored when the car is on commandeered operation.
• CFSS recall timeout: If the car has not answered the CFSS call before this timer times out,
the car becomes ineligible for CFSS calls, thereby allowing the call to be re-assigned to
another car. This timer also determines how long a recalled car will wait at the recall floor,
for activation of the in-car CFSS service switch or the registration of a car call if there is no
in-car CFSS service switch, before timing-out and returning to normal service.
9-74 Manual # 42-02-2222


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