Saving Parameters To A Configuration File; Save To File - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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Using iView

Saving Parameters to a Configuration File

All of the iView settings associated with a controller can be saved in a configuration (.cfg) file.
The .cfg extension identifies a file used to store information in a predetermined, fixed structure
Using configuration files to store settings on a hard drive, floppy diskette, CD-ROM, or other
storage media provides some great capabilities:
• Working Offline: Using iView, you can open a file and work with its settings without neces-
sarily having access to the controller itself.
• File Uploading: When connected to a controller, you can choose to get some or all of the
settings in a configuration file and send them to the controller.
• Adjuster Portability/Flexibility: Elevator adjusters can store configuration files associated
with all the controllers they service on their laptop PC. They can edit values offline, then
coordinate with on site, machine room personnel to connect and upload those changes to
the controller through the elevator Local Area Network or, through modems, DSL, T1 or
other internet connections, from virtually anyplace in the world.
• Archiving controller data for future use.
You create configuration files by saving controller parameters to a file while you are working

Save to File

While connected to a controller, you can easily save all controller parameters to a configuration
(.cfg) file.
1. Click the Save Configuration File button
2. or select Save from the File >
Configuration menu. A typical
Windows save dialog appears.
• The default name suggested
for the file will be the control-
ler connection name with .cfg
appended. Caution: If the
parameters for this control-
ler have previously been
saved using the default name,
those previously saved
parameters will be overwrit-
ten unless you change the file
name. You may want to add a
number or date to the file
• The default folder suggested in the dialog is the Configurations folder (My Documents
> Motion Control Engineering > iView > Configurations).
3. Click Save to save the file.
4. Once you have saved the file, it will appear in the Open Configuration File dialog the
next time you select either Load or Edit from the File > Configuration menu.
8-20 Manual # 42-02-2222


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