Car Operation - Passenger Tab - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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Car Operation - Passenger Tab

The Passenger tab is used to configure car and door behavior on Passenger (Norm) operation.
• Lobby floor: This setting determines which floor will use the lobby dwell timer. If the car is
part of a group, the group dispatcher settings for primary and alternate lobby floors super-
sede this selection.
• Egress floor: The Egress Floor Gong output will activate for 500 ms when the car arrives
at this floor in resp0nse to a car or hall call. This output is used to activate an audible indi-
cator to alert the visually impaired that the car has arrived at the main egress floor.
Nudging is intended to discourage passengers from holding the doors open for
excessive lengths of time. These options work in conjunction with the Door Device settings
"Door Device" on page
• None: Nudging is disabled.
• Buzzer only: When the reopening device bypass timer expires, only the buzzer will sound.
• Reduced speed and torque: An open door will attempt to close at reduced speed and
torque if it is held open for an extended period of time. This time is determined by the
reopening device bypass timer.
• Stop doors due to reopening device activated during nudging: If enabled, activation of
a safe edge during nudging will stop the doors from closing. Otherwise they will fully
To see how the Nudge and Buzzer outputs and Door operation after device timeout are affected
by the various nudging and do0r device settings, see Table 9.7 Nudging Operation Table.
9-30). The nudging options are:
Configuration - Car Operation


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