Releveling Operation - MCi iControl User Manual

For ac elevators
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Releveling Operation

• Relevel Dead Zone Distance — The Relevel dead zone distance is similar to Dead zone
distance except that the Relevel dead zone distance applies only while the car is releveling.
During releveling, the brake is partially set and the speed is very slow (usually 4 to 8 feet
per minute). Therefore, the car does not slide as much. As a result, Relevel dead zone dis-
tance should be tighter than Dead zone distance. Relevel Dead Zone adjustment need only
be adjusted for one floor. All other floors will react in the same way. Brake Relevel Voltage
(Brake Configuration/Voltages tab) should be adjusted properly before adjusting the
Relevel dead zone distance. In general, Relevel Dead Zone must be less than Relevel Dis-
1. Put the car on Test operation. Verify that the iBox Inspection switch is in the NORM
position. Verify that the iBox Test switch is in the ON position.
2. Move the car to a floor away from the terminal landing to allow releveling to the floor
from both directions.
3. Put the car on Inspection Access.
4. On Inspection Access, move the car up about 3" above the floor. Turn off Inspection
Access to allow the car to relevel down to the floor. Note the position of the car when it
stops at the floor (i.e., 1/4" above the floor or 1/8" below the floor, etc.).
5. On Inspection Access, move the car down about 3" below the floor. Turn off Inspection
Access to allow the car to relevel up to the floor. Note the position of the car when it
stops at the floor (i.e., 1/4" above the floor or 1/8" below the floor, etc.).
6. If the car consistently stops at the same position, (for example, 1/8" above the floor
approaching from above or below), then Relevel dead zone distance is properly
adjusted. (Floor Offset can be adjusted later so that the car stops perfectly level with the
7. If the car overshoots the floor during releveling, the Relevel dead zone distance is too
tight. Increase Relevel dead zone distance and repeat steps 4 and 5.
8. Otherwise, the Relevel dead zone distance is too wide. Decrease Relevel dead zone dis-
tance until the car stops consistently at the same position relative to the floor, repeating
steps 4 and 5.
• Rope Stretch Releveling — On high-rise applications, when the car is very low in the
building with hundreds of feet of cable between the machine and the elevator, substantial
movement can occur when the elevator load changes, thereby causing releveling. To make
the system more tolerant of this movement, the Releveling distance parameter adjusts the
amount by which the elevator must be away from the floor before the releveling operation
is engaged. The range of adjustment is from 0.00 to 1.00 inch, with a typical value being
0.72 inches.
Adjusting Leveling and Final Stop


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