Show Wan And Wwan Status And Statistics - Digi TX40 User Manual

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f. Set the MTU:
(config network interface my_wwan)> ipv4 mtu num
(config network interface my_wwan)>
g. Configure when the WWAN's DNS servers will be used:
(config network interface my_wwan)> ipv4
(config network interface my_wwan)>
Where value is one of:
The default setting is primary.
16. See
Configure SureLink active recovery to detect WAN/WWAN failures
configuring active recovery.
17. Save the configuration and apply the change
(config network interface my_wan)> save
Configuration saved.
18. Type exit to exit the Admin CLI.
Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection
menu. Type quit to disconnect from the device.

Show WAN and WWAN status and statistics

Log into the TX40 WebUI as a user with full Admin access rights.
1. From the menu, click Status.
2. Under Networking, click Interfaces.
Command line
1. Select the device in Remote Manager and click Actions > Open Console, or log into the TX40
local command line as a user with full Admin access rights.
Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection
menu. Type admin to access the Admin CLI.
TX40 User Guide
always: DNS will always be used for this WWAN; when multiple interfaces have the
same DNS server, the interface with the lowest metric will be used for DNS
never: Never use DNS servers for this WWAN.
primary: Only use the DNS servers provided for this WWAN when the WWAN is the
primary route.
Wide Area Networks (WANs)
dns value
for information about


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