Configure The Web Administration Service - Digi TX40 User Manual

Table of Contents


Command line
1. Select the device in Remote Manager and click Actions > Open Console, or log into the TX40
local command line as a user with full Admin access rights.
Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection
menu. Type admin to access the Admin CLI.
2. At the command line, type config to enter configuration mode:
> config
3. Add the External zone to the SSH service:
(config)> add service ssh acl zone end external
4. Save the configuration and apply the change
(config)> save
Configuration saved.
5. Type exit to exit the Admin CLI.
Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection
menu. Type quit to disconnect from the device.

Configure the web administration service

The web administration service allows you to monitor and configure the TX40 device by using the
WebUI, a browser-based interface.
By default, the web administration service is enabled and uses the standard HTTPS port, 443. The
default access control for the service uses the Internal firewall zone, which means that only devices
connected to the TX40's LAN can access the WebUI. If this configuration is sufficient for your needs, no
further configuration is required. See
information about configuring the web administration service to allow access from remote devices.
Required configuration items
The web administration service is enabled by default.
Configure access control for the service.
Additional configuration items
Port to use for web administration service communication.
Multicast DNS (mDNS) support.
An SSL certificate to use for communications with the service.
Support for legacy encryption protocols.
Set the idle timeout for TX40 users
web administration services.
TX40 User Guide
Configure the web administration service
Allow remote access for web administration and SSH
for information about setting the inactivity timeout for the


Table of Contents

Table of Contents