HBM Genesis GEN5i User Manual page 465

Portable, integrated data acquisition system
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Channel trigger/qualifier
Pre- and post-trigger length
Trigger rate
Manual trigger (Software)
External Trigger In
Minimum pulse width
Send to External Trigger Out
External Trigger Out
Cross channel triggering
System trigger bus
Analog channel trigger levels
Analog channel trigger modes
Analog channel qualifier modes
Trigger holdoff
Interval timer
I2679-4.0 en
1 per channel; fully independent either trigger or qualifier
0 to full memory
400 triggers per second
Selection per card
User selectable On/Off
Active edge
Rising/Falling mainframe selectable, identical for all cards
500 ns
± 1 µs + maximum 1 sample period (for decimal and binary time base)
User can select to forward External Trigger In to the External Trigger Out BNC
Selection per card
User selectable On/Off
Active level
High / Low / Hold High; selectable per mainframe, identical for all cards
Pulse width
High / Low: 12.8 µs
Hold high: Active from first mainframe trigger to end of recording
Pulse width created by mainframe
516 µs ± 1 µs + maximum 1 sample period using decimal time base
504 µs ± 1 µs + maximum 1 sample period using binary time base
Channels on card
Logical OR; Analog triggers of all channels
Logical AND; Qualifiers of all channels
Cards in mainframe
User selectable through system trigger bus
Selections: Send/Receive/Transceive (Send & Receive)
3 System trigger busses connecting all cards within mainframe
1 Master/Slave bus connecting all cards within mainframe and connecting all mainframes
when using Master/Slave option
Logical OR of all triggers of all cards
Logical AND of all qualifiers of all cards
Maximum 2 level detectors
16 bit (0.0015 %); for each level
Rising/Falling; Single direction control for both levels based on selected mode
0.1 to 100 % of Full Scale; defines the trigger sensitivity
Pulse detect/reject
Disable/Detect/Reject selectable. Maximum pulse width 65 535 samples
dY/dT conversion
dY : 16 bit (0.0015 %) for both levels
dT : 1 to 1023 samples. dT setting shared for both levels
POS or NEG crossing; single level
Dual level
One POS and one NEG crossing; Two individual levels, OR-ed
Arm/trigger and a disarm level; Trigger on peak-level changes in a uni-polar signal
Dual Window
Arm/trigger/disarm per level; Trigger on peak-level changes in a bi-polar signal
One arm and one trigger level; eliminate false triggering due to noise or hysteresis
Above or below level check. Enable/disable trigger with single level
Dual (level)
Outside or within bounds check. Enable/disable trigger with dual level
Disable channel trigger for 1 to 65 535 samples after trigger detected
Maximum holdoff time sample rate dependent
Less then, trigger when rate is too low
More then, trigger when rate is too high
Between, trigger when rate between lower and upper limit
Not between, trigger when rate is not between lower and upper limit
Interval timers
Start timer and width Timer
Timer value
1 to 65 535 samples


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