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Fisher Chevrolet 13000 series Service Manual page 225

1967 body manual


2. Dampen a clean cloth (cheese cloth may be
used) with the volatile cleaner. Open the cloth
and allow a portion of the cleaner to evaporate
so that the cloth is just slightly damp.
3. Using very light pressure and a circular lifting
motion, rub the stained area, starting at the
outer edge and working toward the center until
the entire area has been covered. Change to a
clean portion of the cloth every few strokes.
4. Using a clean white blotter, blot stained area
to remove any excess cleaner. Change to a new
portion of the blotter each time stained area is
blotted. The blotting action should be repeated
until no stain is transferred to the blotter
5. Before proceeding, wait several minutes to
allow most of the volatile cleaner to evaporate.
DO NOT saturate stained area. This will avoid
the danger of the cleaner penetrating to the
padding under the upholstery. Certain cleaners
will deteriorate sponge rubber which is often
used in padding.
6. It may be necessary to repeat steps 2, 3, 4 and
5 several times before the stain has been
satisfactorily removed. Each time a clean
cloth should be used.
7. If a ring should form on the fabric when re-
moving a stain, the entire area of the trim
assembly should be cleaned as described in
the preceding steps.
8. The cleaned upholstery should be allowed to
dry completely before using.
Some volatile cleaners are toxic and harmful;
therefore, the following safety precautions should
be used.
1. Always use in a well ventilated area. Car
windows and garage doors must be open when
such cleaners are used.
2. Avoid prolonged
repeated breathing of
vapors from cleaner.
3. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with the
4. Keep away from eyes and mouth.
5. Some cleaners are flammable and every pre-
caution and care must be exercised in handling
these cleaners.
6. Always
specified by the
of the product used
( l a b e l
1. Make a solution of the detergent in lukewarm
water, working up thick, frothy suds.
2. With a clean cloth or sponge, dampened with
lukewarm water, apply suds only to the sur-
face of the upholstery using light to medium
pressure. Repeat several times, applying more
suds with a clean portion of the cloth or
3. With a second clean cloth, dampened with luke-
warm water, rub over the area with medium
pressure to remove excess detergent and loose
4. With a clean dry cloth, wipe off all excess
moisture. A vacuum cleaner may also be used.
5. Allow the upholstery to dry partially; then,
repeat the above treatment, if necessary, to
remove stain.
6. When the upholstery is satisfactorily cleaned,
allow to dry completely before using.
1. Solutions
containing water are not recom-
mended for general cleaning of broad cloth.
Water has great destructive powers on the high
face or high gloss finish of broad cloth, caus-
ing the nap to curl and roughen to such an ex-
tent that the finish is destroyed or made very
unsightly. However, in some cases where it is
necessary to use a solution containing water to
remove a stain, the resultant disturbance to the
finish of the material may be preferable to the
2. Do not use as a cleaning solvent, any gasoline
which is colored or which contains tetraethyl
3. Do not use solvents such as acetone, lacquer
thinners, enamel reducers or nail polish re-
mover, as a cleaning solvent.
4. Do not use laundry soaps, bleaches or reducing
agents, such as the following: chloride of lime,
javelle water,
hydrogen peroxide,
hydrosulphite, potassium permanganate, chlo-
(sulphur dioxide), sodium thiosulphate (photo-
graphers' hypo). The use of these agents tends
to weaken fabric and to change its color.
5. Do not use too much cleaning fluid; some in-
terior trim assemblies are padded with rubber,

