R&S FSW-K7 User Manual page 93

Analog demodulation measurement option
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For more information on the optional Analog Baseband Interface, see the R&S FSW
I/Q Analyzer and I/Q Input User Manual.
Full Scale Level Mode /
Reference Level
Defines the expected maximum input signal level. Signal levels above this value may
not be measured correctly, which is indicated by the "IF OVLD" status display ("OVLD"
for analog baseband or digital baseband input).
The reference level can also be used to scale power diagrams; the reference level is
then used as the maximum on the y-axis.
Since the hardware of the R&S FSW is adapted according to this value, it is recom-
mended that you set the reference level close above the expected maximum signal
level. Thus you ensure an optimum measurement (no compression, good signal-to-
noise ratio).
Note that for input from the External Mixer (R&S FSW-B21) the maximum reference
level also depends on the conversion loss; see the R&S FSW User Manual for details.
Remote command:
Shifting the Display (Offset) ← Reference Level
Defines an arithmetic level offset. This offset is added to the measured level. In some
result displays, the scaling of the y-axis is changed accordingly.
Define an offset if the signal is attenuated or amplified before it is fed into the
R&S FSW so the application shows correct power results. All displayed power level
results are shifted by this value.
The setting range is ±200 dB in 0.01 dB steps.
Note, however, that the internal reference level (used to adjust the hardware settings to
the expected signal) ignores any "Reference Level Offset". Thus, it is important to keep
in mind the actual power level the R&S FSW must handle. Do not rely on the displayed
reference level (internal reference level = displayed reference level - offset).
Remote command:
Unit ← Reference Level
The R&S FSW measures the signal voltage at the RF input.
In the default state, the level is displayed at a power level of 1 mW (= dBm). Via the
known input impedance (50 Ω or 75 Ω, see
other units is possible.
The following units are available and directly convertible:
User Manual 1173.9240.02 ─ 23
Level............................................................................................................ 93
Shifting the Display
└ Unit..................................................................................................................93
Setting the Reference Level Automatically (Auto
(Offset)............................................................................ 93
Input and Frontend Settings
on page 244
on page 245
on page 92), conversion to


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