JLG sky trak mmv Service Manual page 683

Table of Contents


Bearings ................................... 2.25
Cleaning ................................... 2.24
Component Terminology ............ 2.5
Emergency Operations............. 2.77
Fluids, Lubricants and
Capacities.............................. 2.20
Hoses and Tubes ..................... 2.24
Introduction................................. 2.6
Maintenance Instructions ......... 2.28
Metric Conversion Factors ......... 2.8
Parking Brake/Transmission
De-Clutch Test Procedures ... 2.81
Pressure Testing and
Adjustment ............................ 2.25
Replacement ............................ 2.24
Specifications ........................... 2.10
Torques ...................................... 2.7
GIC Clearance .............................. 2.73
Hazard/Emergency Information
Decals and/or Decal Plates .......... 1.7
Hoses and Tubes
Inspection ................................. 2.24
Installation ................................ 2.24
Hoses, Tube Lines, Fittings, Etc.
Replacement .............................. 9.6
Replacement Considerations ..... 9.6
Hydraulic Circuits and Troubleshooting
Attachment Tilt (Down) and
Slave Cylinder Circuit ............ 9.44
Attachment Tilt (Up) and Slave
Cylinder Circuit ...................... 9.46
Attachment Tilt and Slave
Circuit Description ................. 9.79
Boom Extend Circuit................. 9.20
Boom Extend/Retract Circuit
Description ............................ 9.77
Boom Lift Circuit ....................... 9.28
Boom Lift/Lower Circuit
Description ............................ 9.77
Boom Lower Circuit .................. 9.32
Boom Retract Circuit ................ 9.24
Brake Circuit Description.......... 9.76
Crab Steering Circuit (Left)....... 9.64
Crab Steering Circuit (Right) .... 9.66
Four-Wheel Steering
Circuit (Left Turn) .................. 9.60
Four-Wheel Steering
Circuit (Right Turn) ................ 9.62
Frame Sway (Left) and
Stabilizer Circuit .................... 9.36
Frame Sway (Right) and
Stabilizer Circuit .................... 9.40
Frame Sway Circuit
Description ............................ 9.78
Model MMV Rev. 12/04
Front-Wheel Steering
Circuit (Left Turn) .................. 9.56
Front-Wheel Steering Circuit
(Right Turn)............................9.58
Joystick Circuit.......................... 9.48
Joystick Circuit Description....... 9.80
Pump, Unloader Valve and
Cooling Circuit ....................... 9.52
Pump, Unloader Valve and
Cooling Circuit Description .... 9.80
Service Brake Circuit ................ 9.16
Three-Mode Steering Circuit
Descriptions ........................... 9.81
Hydraulic Circuits and Troubleshooting
Left Fork Shift Circuit (Shift Left). 9.70
Hydraulic Circuits and Troubleshooting
Left Fork Shift Circuit (Shift Right) .....
Hydraulic Circuits and Troubleshooting
Right Fork Shift Circuit (Shift Left) .....
Hydraulic Circuits and Troubleshooting
Right Fork Shift Circuit (Shift Right)...
Hydraulic Cylinders
Attachment Tilt Cylinder.......... 9.143
Extend/Retract Cylinder.......... 9.151
Frame Sway Cylinder ............. 9.160
General Cylinder Assembly
Instructions .......................... 9.142
General Cylinder Cleaning
Instructions .......................... 9.142
General Cylinder
Disassembly Instructions ..... 9.142
Lift/Lower ................................ 9.155
Slave Cylinders....................... 9.147
Stabilizer Cylinder................... 9.165
Steering Cylinders .................. 9.169
Hydraulic Pressure Diagnosis
Pressure Checks and
Adjustments ............................. 9.8
Hydraulic System
Cylinders................................. 9.142
Fluid ............................................ 9.5
Hoses, Tube Lines, Fittings,
Etc............................................ 9.6
Hydraulic Circuits and
Troubleshooting ..................... 9.13
Hydraulic Component
Terminology ............................. 9.3
Pressure Diagnosis..................... 9.7
Pump Failure Analysis .............. 9.87
Pump Replacement .................. 9.88
Reservoir .................................. 9.86
Reservoir Replacement ............ 9.87
Safety Information....................... 9.4
Specifications ..............................9.5
System Pump............................9.87
System Testing .........................9.10
Valves and Manifolds ................9.98
Hydraulic System Oil and
Maintenance Instructions ..........2.41
Hydraulic System Testing
Component Terminology.............8.2
Disclaimer ...................................2.6
Disclaimer and Scope .................8.2
Replacement Parts and
Warranty Information................2.6
Service Methods .........................2.6
The Owners/Operators
Manual .....................................2.6
Load Moment Indicator..............10.131
Long Term Storage
Maintenance Instructions ..........2.68
Maintenance Instructions
Air Cleaner ................................2.30
Axle Oil......................................2.45
Boom Chain Inspection.............2.61
Boom Chains ............................2.64
Boom Wear Pad
Brake Disc Wear Check ............2.46
Closed Cab Air
Filters ....................................2.32
Counterweight Removal and
Reassembly ...........................2.70
Emergency Tire
Inflation System......................2.50
Engine Cooling System.............2.33
Engine Fan Belt ........................2.40
Engine Fuel System ..................2.37
Engine Oil and Filter .................2.35
Fuse and Relay
Replacement ..........................2.56
Hydraulic System Oil and
Filter .......................................2.41
Long Term Storage ...................2.68
Maintenance Schedule and
Short Term Storage ..................2.68
Transfer Case Oil ......................2.49
Transmission Oil and Filter .......2.43


Table of Contents



Table of Contents