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Plymouth Valiant V-100 1965 Service – Technical Manual page 87


of the rear springs.
(2) Block the brake pedal up.
(3) Remove the rear wheels.
(4) Disconnect the hydraulic flexible line.
(5) Disconnect the parking brake cable support
(6) Disconnect the propeller shaft at the differen-
(7) Remove the rear spring clips (U bolts) and the
(8) Remove the axle assembly from the vehicle.
(9) Refer to Paragraph "Rear Axle Shaft Assembly
the transmission.
tial yoke.
shock absorbers.
Removal" when removing the axle.
Removal and Disassembly
Side play and runout measurements taken during
disassembly will be very useful in reassembly.
(1) Drain the lubricant from the housing, and turn
the unit to have the cover facing up.
(2) Remove the cover and clean the differential
case and drive gear with kerosene, mineral spirits
other similar cleaning fluid.
(3) Measure for differential side play.
There should
no side play.
(4) To measure the drive gear runout on the differ-
ential case, (provided no side play was found) mount a
dial indicator Tool C-3339 on pilot stud Tool C-3288,
and load the indicator slightly when the plunger is at
right angles to the back face of the drive gear. (Fig.
Measure the drive gear runout by reading the
dial indicator, while turning the drive gear several
complete rotations. Mark the drive gear and the case
at the point of maximum runout for use later in meas-
uring the differential case. The total indicator reading
should be no more than .005 inch.
If the runout is over .005 inch, the differential case
may have been sprung. A test of the case will be de-
scribed later.
(6) Remove the pinion nut and yoke with puller
Fig. 42-Measuring
Drive Gear Runout
\ 9 ,
Fig. 43-Removing
Pinion Yoke
Tool C-452 and holding Tool C-3281, (Fig. 43).
(7) Remove the pinion oil seal with Puller Tool
748. (Fig. 44). Remove the pinion front bearing and
preload space washer.
(8) Mark the carrier and differential bearing caps
for location in assembly, (Fig. 45).
(9) Remove the bearing caps and locate the spread-
er Tool C-3721 on the carrier with the tool dowels
Fig. 4&Removing
Pinion Oil Seal
Fig. 45-Bearing
Cap Identification

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