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Plymouth Valiant V-100 1965 Service – Technical Manual page 544


21 -86
from the bottom of the extension housing.
Remove the plug and slide the shaft out of the
extension housing to remove the parking lock lever,
adapter and spacer (Fig. 58).
(3) Slide the bolt out of the housing to remove the
parking sprag and spring (Fig. 59).
Inspect the sprag bolt and lever shaft for scores
and free movement in the housing, and in sprag and
lever. Inspect the roller for nicks, burrs, and free
turning. Inspect the square lug on parking sprag for
broken edges or other damage. Replace parts as re-
(1) Position the parking sprag and spring in the
housing and insert the bolt and washer gasket (Fig.
59). Make sure the square lug on the sprag is toward
the support gear and the spring is positioned
to lift the sprag away from the gear.
(2) Position the lock lever, adapter and spacer in
the housing and install the lever shaft (Fig. 58). The
lever roller must be on top of the sprag so as to push
into engagement with the gear.
(3) Place a new adapter cover gasket on the exten-
sion housing, then insert a small punch through ca-
ble opening in the adapter cover and into the end of
the adapter. Carefully lower the cover into position,
feeding the adapter into the cable opening in the
cover. Install the cover retaining screws and tighten
to 150 inch-pounds torque.
(1) Remove the large snap ring from the weight
end of the governor body, lift out the weight assem-
Remove the snap ring from inside the governor
weight, remove the inner weight and spring from the
outer weight.
(3) If the lugs on the support gear are damaged,
remove the four bolts and separate the support from
the governor body.
Cleaning und Inspection
Figure 55 shows a disassembled view of the gover-
nor assembly.
Inspect all parts for burrs and wear. Inspect the
inner weight for free movement in the outer weight,
and outer weight for free movement in the governor
body. Inspect the valve for free movement in the gov-
ernor body. The weights and valve should fall freely
in the bores when clean and dry. Rough surfaces may
be removed with crocus cloth.
Inspect the governor weight spring for distortion.
Inspect the lugs on the support gear for broken edges
or other damage. Thoroughly clean all the governor
parts in clean solvent and test for free movement
before assembly.
(1) If the support was separated from the
body, assemble and tighten the bolts finger tight.
Make sure the oil passage of the governor body
aligns with the passage in the support.
(2) Assemble the governor weights and spring, and
secure with the snap ring inside of the large governor
weight. Place the weight assembly in the governor
body and install the snap ring.
Inspect ion
Inspect the oil pump body and cover machined
faces for nicks and burrs. Inspect the rotors for scor-
ing or pitting. With the rotors cleaned and installed
in the pump body, place a straight edge across the
face of rotors and pump body. Use a feeler gauge to
measure the clearance between the straight edge and
face of the rotors. Clearance limits are from
.003 inch.
Pump Body Replacement
If replacement of the rear oil pump body is re-
quired, drive
rearward out of the case with
block and hammer. The following procedures must
be followed when installing a new rear oil pump body
or reinstalling the original pump body to prevent
pump body distortion.
(1) Screw two pilot studs, Tool
C-3288 into the case
to guide the pump body during installation.
(2) Chill the pump body in cold water or with ice.
Quickly position the body over the pilot studs, and
drive it firmly into the case with a wood block and
hammer. Remove the pilot studs.
AND A-904-LA
Figure 79 shows the front oil pump and reaction
shaft support disassembled.
Remove the bolts from the rear side of the
action shaft support and lift the support off the oil
Remove the rubber seal ring from the front
pump body flange.
(3) Drive out the oil seal with a blunt punch.
Inspect ion
Inspect interlocking seal rings (Fig. 79) on the
action shaft support for wear or broken locks, make
sure they turn freely in the grooves. Do not remove

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