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Plymouth Valiant V-100 1965 Service – Technical Manual page 573


Frequent brushing and vacuuming will keep the
top free of abrasive dust and dirt. When washing, the
convertible top material should be thoroughly wet.
For scrubbing purposes, use only a soft, natural
bristle hand scrub brush. Use warm water and
naptha bar type soap as the cleaning agent.
Scrub the
top with soap suds, starting in the center and grad-
ually working toward the edges. Rinse with plenty of
clean water to remove all traces of soap. Allow to dry
completely before lowering.
CAUTION: Never lower the top when it
Dampness may cause formation of mildew, and
damage to the fabric will result. The top cover
should be placed in the top cover bag and stored
in the luggage compartment. Never store the top
cover in the top well compartment.
The rear window is made from
flexible vinyl plas-
tic material and special attention should be given to
the cleaning of the window.
To clean the window, rinse with a cold water spray
to remove grit and dirt. Lather the surface with suds
of a mild soap, using the palm of the hand. Rinse
thoroughly and allow to air dry.
CAUTION: Do not use a towel, sponge or chamois
to apply the suds or dry the window. Otherwise,
the surface may become scratched.
If this procedure does not clean the window thor-
oughly, a solution of
per cent rubbing alcohol
and 60 per cent clear water should be used. Apply
with the palm of the hand and rub the surface of
window with a circular motion. Use the rubbing
alcohol and water solution generously.
Wash the top covering with mild soap and luke-
warm water, lathering well with a soft brush, cloth,
or sponge. Avoid heavy brushing. Rinse all traces of
suds away with clear water. Rinse all soap suds from
the paint finish.
CAUTION: Do not use volatile cleaners or
vents on the top covering.
Most stains can be removed quite easily from fab-
rics while they are fresh and have not hardened and
set into the fabric. An exception
is mud or clay, which
should be allowed to dry so that most of it can be
brushed off. It is also very helpful, though often not
possible, to know the nature of the staining matter so
that the proper solvent may be used. Most common
stains can be removed either with a dry cleaning sol-
vent, fabric cleaner, or with a water solution contain-
ing one-half of
of a laundry-type detergent.
Thus, if the nature of the staining matter can only be
guessed at and a dry cleaning fluid does not remove
the stain, it should then be cleaned with a one-half of
solution of a detergent in water.
When using a detergent; do not use one containing
a bleach as this could discolor the fabric. As most
detergents contain a certain amount of bleach, cau-
tion should be exercised as to the amount used.
Some of the more common upholstery stains can be
removed as follows:
Candy, Chocolate or Ice Cream Stains.
as much of the staining matter as possible with a dull
knife. Clean with a one-half of 1% solution of dull
laundry-type detergent in warm water.
General Instructions:
Use a piece of clean cotton
cheesecloth approximately 3" x 3". Squeeze most of
the liquid from the fabric and it is less likely to leave
a ring. Wipe the soiled fabric very lightly with a lift-
ing motion. Always work from the outside toward the
center of the spot. Turn the cheesecloth over as soon
as one side becomes stained to prevent working the
stain matter back into the cleaned portion of the fab-
ric. Use a new piece of cheesecloth as soon as both
sides become stained.
Grease, Oil or Tar Stains.
Scrape off as much of the
staining matter as possible with a dull knife. Clean the
fabric using the recommended cleaner. Be sure the
manufacturers instructions are followed. Follow
General Instructions covered above.
Lipstick or Rouge Stains.
First work white vaseline
into the staining matter to loosen it. Then clean with
fabric cleaner as recommended.
Mud or Clay.
Allow the mud or clay to dry com-
pletely. Then, brush it off with a soft bristled brush.
Clean with a one-half of 1% solution of detergent in
When cleaning by any of the methods outlined
above, never squeeze the liquid from the cleaning
cloth back into the container of cleaning fluid, and
never dip the cleaning cIbth back into the container of
cleaning fluid after the cloth has contacted the stain.
Be sure that the cleaning fluid has no impurities and
is not discolored before using it. If particles of the
staining matter become locked between the fibres of
the fabric, it may be necessary to use a clean soft
bristled brush instead of the cheesecloth with the
cleaning fluid.

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