Nortel North American DMS-100 Instruction Manual page 287

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1-272 Trouble locating and clearing procedures (continued)
Restoring far-end service for a D-channel
ISDN PRI primary and backup D-channels
297-8021-544 Standard 14.02 May 2001
Determine the states of the D-channels.
Note: The MAP display lists the state of the D-channel to the right side of
the DCHL header.
one D-channel is INS (in service) and the other is
STB (standby)
one D-channel is RNR (remote not responding), and
the other is in a different out-of-service state or INS
both D-channels are RNR
Choose an RNR D-channel to restore and record its identifier (D1 or D2).
Note 1: Do not choose an INS or STB D-channel to clear. An INS
D-channel is a normal operation state for the primary D-channels. An STB
D-channel is a normal operation state for the backup D-channels. The
STB state occurs for a backup D-channel when the primary D-channel is
Note 2: You must use the same identifier (D1 or D2) for all procedures and
steps used to clear the chosen D-channel. The MAP display lists the
identifier under the LANG header.
Note 3: When both D-channels are out of service, restore each channel
separately. The first restored D-channel becomes the primary and goes
into the INS state. The the second restored D-channel becomes the
backup and goes into the STB state.
Ask operating company personnel at the far-end office to isolate and correct
the problem at their end.
If the state of the D-channel
is INS after the personnel at the far-end correct their
is not INS after the personnel at the far-end correct
their problem
PRI service interruption
The following step takes an in-service D-channel out of
service. When you take an in-service D-channel out of
service, the backup D-channel automatically switches into
step 12
step 6
step 6
step 12
step 8


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