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Thermo Scientific Varioskan User Manual page 298

Multimode microplate reader software


Appendix C Drug Discovery Edition with 21CFR11 Compliance
Electronic signature
Thermo Scientific SkanIt
Click the Create Password button.
Enter the new signature password in both the Signature Password and
Confirm signature password fields. The signature password must have a
minimum of eight characters and it must contain at least one small letter
(a – z), one capital letter (A – Z), one number (0 – 9) and one special
character (such as +, %, &, *, and so on).
Click OK. You will receive a confirmation message.
The Create Signature tab has changed into the Signatures tab, the state is
now Signature password is created and the Create Password button has
changed into Change Password.
Software for Varioskan
User Manual
Thermo Fisher Scientific

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