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Thermo Scientific Varioskan User Manual page 174

Multimode microplate reader software


Data Processing Parameters
User-defined equation
Thermo Scientific SkanIt
square root of a specific group, select the group from the Group menu
and [all samples in group] from the Sample menu.
SUM - Calculates the sum of all the samples of the selected group. Select
a specific group or [all groups in session] from the Group menu and [all
samples in group] from the Sample menu. The calculation returns the
sum of all the sample values of the selected group(s). If you select a
specific sample from the Sample menu, the sample value or the replicate
value is returned.
MAX - Searches the samples of the selected group(s) for their maximum
value. Select [all groups in session] from the Group menu to search all
the samples in the groups. Alternatively, select a specific group from the
Group menu to search all the samples in the group. Then select [all
samples in group] from the Sample menu. If you select a specific sample
from the Sample menu, the sample value or the maximum replicate
value is returned.
MIN - Searches the samples of the selected group(s) for their minimum
value. Select [all groups in session] from the Group menu to search all
the samples in the groups. Alternatively, select a specific group from the
Group menu to search all the samples in the group. Then select [all
samples in group] from the Sample menu. If you select a specific sample
from the Sample menu, the sample value or the minimum replicate
value is returned.
LOG - Calculates the 10-based logarithm of the selected sample. Select
a specific group from the Group menu and a single sample from the
Sample menu. The calculation returns the 10-based logarithm of the
sample. If you select [all samples in group] from the Sample menu, the
calculation returns the value of the sample in each well separately.
LN - Calculates the natural algorithm of the selected sample. Select a
specific group from the Group menu and a single sample from the
Sample menu. The calculation returns the natural logarithm of the
sample. If you select [all samples in group] from the Sample menu, the
calculation returns the value of the sample in each well separately.
EXP - Raises e to the selected power. Select a specific group from the
Group menu and a single sample from the Sample menu. The
calculation returns the value of the sample raised to the selected power.
If you select [all samples in group] from the Sample menu, the calculation
returns the value of the sample in each well separately.
AVG - Calculates the average of all the samples in the selected group(s).
Select either [all groups in session] or a specific group from the Group
menu and [all samples in group] from the Sample menu. The calculation
returns the average of all the samples either in the session or in the
Software for Varioskan
User Manual
Thermo Fisher Scientific

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