LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com comercial@lsa-control.com (+34) 960 62 43 01
Starting lockout while drive enabled 7-14
status classes 1-4
status displays 1-7
Stop PLC 4-2
structure of diagnostic message 1-2
Switching to non-initialized operating mode 7-77
Switching to parameter mode 9-2
Switching to phase 3 impossible 9-34
Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low 7-125
Synchronization and storage failed 9-111
Synchronization to master communication incorrect 7-102
Synchronize and store safety technology IDN 9-13
synchronous motor 9-7
System error channel 1 7-72
System error channel 2 7-71, 8-17
T2 (S-0-089) + length MDT (S-0-010) > TScyc (S-0-002) 9-39
T2 too small 9-25
T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 + S-0-0010) 9-26
T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005) 9-25
Target position out of num. range 8-34
Target position out of travel range 8-27
Time for stopping process exceeded 7-40
Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded 8-18
Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time 9-21
Timeout of safety command for load defaults procedure 9-78
TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error 9-23
Torque limit = 0 8-30
Torque/force actual value limit active 8-6
Torque/force command value limit active 8-13
Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig. input 9-61
travel range error
commissioning 7-41
Travel range exceeded 9-97
Travel range invalid 9-96
Type of construction of motor P-0-4014 incorrect 9-37
Type plate list incomplete 9-115
Undervoltage in mains 8-42
Undervoltage in power section 8-43
Undervoltage in power section 7-86, 8-20
Update Error ! 4-4
Use See appropriate use and see inappropriate use
Velocity command value > limit S-0-0091 8-34
Velocity command value limit active 8-32
Velocity limit S-0-0091 exceeded 7-18
Velocity synchronization, real master axis 6-17
Velocity synchronization, virtual master axis 6-17
Velocity threshold exceeded 7-32
warning classes 1-18
Watchdog 7-4
CKS 10-2
DL 10-1
E FW 10-3
E LD 10-3
Rexroth IndraDrive
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Our machine in Rexroth drive installation total 20 nos machine so facing issue shortly 5 drive folty 8060 erro so how to do