Rexroth IndraDrive
Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (F3xxx)
Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Safety Technology Error
Drive Behavior
Steps of Commissioning
LSA Control S.L. (+34) 960 62 43 01
Non-fatal safety technology errors are errors that are still allowing a freely
definable, variable error reaction.
The user can define the drive behavior for the case of non-fatal safety
technology errors occurring via the setting in P-0-0119, Best possible
NC-controlled deceleration activated via P-0-0117, Activation
of NC reaction on error or en error reaction set via P-0-0119,
Best possible deceleration is only possible for the duration
entered in P-0-3220, Tolerance time transition from normal
operation or P-0-3225, Tolerance time transition from
safety rel. oper.! In case the time is exceeded the error
F7050 Time for stopping process exceeded is generated.
At the end of the error reaction the drive goes torque-free and power is
switched off depending on the setting in P-0-0118, Power supply,
The drive therefore can only be commissioned again when:
1. the error reaction has been completed, i.e. the drive has stopped
2. the error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics).
3. the cause of the error was removed.
4. the drive is in the operating mode again and power was switched on
5. drive enable was switched on again (0-1 edge).
In case non-fatal safety technology errors are occurring
repeatedly, contact our service department as operating the
drive then is no longer allowed.
Error Messages
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Our machine in Rexroth drive installation total 20 nos machine so facing issue shortly 5 drive folty 8060 erro so how to do