Delta CT2000 Series User Manual page 356

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ω(rad/s) value= Pr.05-03。
Reverse rege nerative mode
06 12 current limit
E xter na l a na lo g te rmi na ls
P r 03 0 0 02
d7 Positive torque limit
d1 0 Posit ive Ne gat ive torqu e limit
d 9 R egen erative torque limit
R ev erse r egenerativ e
t orque l imit
Rev erse motor
t orque l imit
E xter na l a na lo g te rmi na ls
P r 03 0 0 02
d8 N ega tive to rq ue lim it
d 10 P ositive N ega tive to rq ue lim it
06 12 current limit
Reverse motor mode
Gain Value of Flux Weakening Curve for Motor 1
Gain Value of Flux Weakening Curve for Motor 2
 Pr.11-21 and 11-22 are used to adjust the output voltage of flux weakening curve.
 For the spindle application, the adjustment method is
1. It is used to adjust the output voltage when exceeding rated frequency.
2. Monitor the output voltage
3. Adjust Pr.11-21 (motor 1) or Pr.11-22 (motor 2) setting to make the output voltage reach motor
rated voltage.
4. The larger number it is set, the larger output voltage you will get.
P ositive t orque
E xter na l a na lo g te rmi na ls
d 10 Po sit ive N egat ive to rq ue limit
Qu adrant I I
Quad ra nt I
Quad ra nt IV
Q uadrant III
Forw ar d regenerati ve
E xter na l a na lo g te rmi na ls
d1 0 Positive Ne gative torqu e limit
Negat ive torque
Chapter 12 Description of Parameter SettingsCT2000 Series
Forward mot or mode
06 12 cu rren t limit
P r 03 0 0 0 2
d7 Positive t orque lim it
F orward m ot or
torque l imit
t orque l imit
P r 0 3 00 0 2
d 8 Ne gat ive torqu e limit
d9 Re gen erative t orque limit
06 12 current limit
Forward reg enerative mode
Th e level of torque limit will be
the minimum v alu e of f ollowing
three values
Frequency command
Factory Setting: 90
Factory Setting: 90

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