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Format Specifier For Ascii Responses; Format Specifier For Binary Responses - Thermo Scientific 146i Instruction Manual

Dynamic gas calibrator


C-Link Protocol Commands
Record Layout Definition
Format Specifier for
ASCII Responses
Format Specifier for
Binary Responses
Model 146i Instruction Manual
point inputs will be displayed with an 'f' output specifier, and all of the
integer inputs will be displayed with a 'd' specifier).
The first line of the Layout response is the scanf-like parameter list for
parsing the fields from an ASCII ERec response. Parameters are separated
by spaces and the line is terminated by a \n (the normal line separator
character). Valid fields are:
%s - parse a string
%d - parse a decimal number
%ld - parse a long (32-bit) decimal number
%f - parse a floating point number
%x - parse a hexadecimal number
%lx - parse a long (32-bit) hex number
%* - ignore the field
Note Signed versus unsigned for the integer values does not matter; it is
handled automatically.
The second line of the Layout response is the binary parameter list for
parsing the fields from a binary response. Parameters MUST be separated
by spaces, and the line is terminated by a '\n'. Valid fields are:
t - parse a time specifier (2 bytes)
D - parse a date specifier (3 bytes)
i - ignore one 8-bit character (1 byte)
e - parse a 24-bit floating point number (3 bytes: n/x)
E - parse a 24-bit floating point number (3 bytes: N/x)
f - parse a 32-bit floating point number (4 bytes)
c - parse an 8-bit signed number (1 byte)
C - parse an 8-bit unsigned number (1 byte)
n - parse a 16-bit signed number (2 bytes)
N - parse a 16-bit unsigned number (2 bytes)
m - parse a 24-bit signed number (3 bytes)
M - parse a 24-bit unsigned number (3 bytes)
l - parse a 32-bit signed number (4 bytes)
L - parse a 32-bit unsigned number (4 bytes)
There is an optional single digit d which may follow any of the numeric
fields which indicates that after the field has been parsed out, the resulting
value is to be divided by 10^d. Thus the 16-bit field 0xFFC6 would be
interpreted with the format specifier 'n3' as the number -0.058.
Thermo Fisher Scientific

