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Operation - Thermo Scientific 146i Instruction Manual

Dynamic gas calibrator



Model 146i Instruction Manual
The Operation screen is used to modify the calibrator's operational
settings. This is a powerful screen that allows the user to select the gas span
level, the permeation level, the ozonator level, and the photometer mode.
Like the run screen, if any of these options are not installed, then their
controls are not displayed on the operation screen. In addition, flow and
level settings for the active mode may be edited from this screen.
The first line of the operation screen allows selection of the dilution gas.
The Model 146i can support up to three external gases (standard GAS A
through C) or up to six external gases (optional GAS A through F). The
displayed gas names may be changed by the user via the GAS SETUP
menu. The number to the right of the gas selection is either the total flow
or the zero air flow, as indicated based on the currently selected span mode.
The span mode (ZERO, SPAN 1 through SPAN 5, and MANUAL) is
selected on the next line. The instrument sets the flow parameters to meet
the selected criteria. For ZERO, the gas flow controller is shut off and a
previously determined zero air flow is output. For SPAN 1 through SPAN
5, the zero and gas flow controllers are set to provide the previously
determined total flow and gas concentration. For MANUAL, the flow rates
for the zero and gas flow controllers may be set directly.
The next line is used to set the permeation oven output level, if installed.
The allowable modes are OFF, PERM 1 through 5, and manual. The
concentration for these modes is displayed on the right. If a gas span value
is also selected, then the output from the permeation oven will be
determined by the flow rates required for the gas dilution and will not be
the values shown here.
If installed, the ozonator mode is displayed on the next line. The allowable
modes are OFF, OZONE 1 through 5, and manual. The value to the right
of this shows the output level. This level is displayed in % units or PPM
units, depending on the photometer mode.
The last line shows the photometer mode, if installed. The allowable modes
are OFF, INT, EXT, and CTL. In INT mode, the photometer is
configured to take sample from the manifold and report the ozone
concentration. In EXT mode, the photometer takes sample from a rear-
panel bulkhead fitting and reports the ozone concentration. In CTL mode,
the photometer is configured the same as INT mode, the reaction chamber
is bypassed, and the ozonator drive signal is controlled to provide a pre-set
ozone concentration. This concentration is maintained by constantly
updating the drive signal to the ozonator lamp based on the measured
Thermo Fisher Scientific

