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Monitoring Detector Frequency And Noise - Thermo Scientific 146i Instruction Manual

Dynamic gas calibrator


Preventive Maintenance

Monitoring Detector Frequency and Noise

Monitoring Detector
Frequency and Noise
Model 146i Instruction Manual
3. Loosen the Allen screws (4) securing the photometer to the floor plate
7-12) and remove the photometer.
4. Remove four (4) mounting screws on the lamp heater and remove the
5. Remove the lamp housing
6. Remove the detector. Refer to
7. Remove the detector housing
8. Push a piece of lens paper down the tube using a 1/4-inch piece of
Teflon® tubing so as not to damage the tube. Use a cotton swab to clean
the window surfaces through the holes that the tube fits into.
9. Replace the photometer components following the previous steps in
Note It is recommended that the Model 146i be recalibrated if the
photometer has been completely disassembled. Always check for leaks after
replacing any component. Refer to "Leak Test and Pump Checkout" in the
"Servicing" chapter.
10. Re-install the instrument cover.
The Model 146i measures intensity ratios and not absolute values.
Therefore, a large range of detector frequencies are acceptable for proper
operation of the instrument. The nominal values are 65 to 120 kHz. These
frequencies can be monitored from the Intensity Check menu in the Service
The Intensity Check menu is used to manually control the flow of reference
or sample gas through the photometer. This enables the detector intensity
and noise reading to be determined with either reference or sample gas.
7-12) and the associated components.
"Detector Replacement (Photometer
7-12) and the associated
Thermo Fisher Scientific

