EzCOM (Peer-to-Peer communication)
Besides standard Modbus-RTU communication (slave), WJ200 supports
Peer-to-Peer communication between multiple inverters.
The max. number of inverter in the network is up to 247 (32 without repeater).
One administrator inverter is necessary in the network, and the other inverters
behave as master or slave.
Be sure to set station No.1 as an administrator inverter, which controls master
inverter according to user setting. The others will be slave inverters. An admin.
inverter is fixed, but a master inverter always turns by rotation. For this reason, an
admin. inverter can be a master or a slave.
A master inverter is able to write data to any holding register of designated slave
inverter. The max. number of holding register is up to 5. After writing data
completed, a master inverter will be shift to the next inverter.
The max. number of master inverter is 8.
Admin. inverter
: Master inverter
Note 1: The command to change a master is issued by an admin. inverter automatically, which
users do not have to take care.
Writing data to slaves by a
master (1).
Command to change
a master inverter. (Note 1)
Writing data to slaves by a
master (2).
Command to change
a master inverter.
Writing data to slaves by a
master (3).
Command to change
a master inverter.
Writing data to slaves by a
master (4).