Ver.3− − − − 68
Example1: How arrangements of data in a query and its response change by changing the Endian setting.
(Both the query and its response examples are provided)
Example 1-1: Writing 16-bit data with Big Endian
Example 1-2: Writing 16-bit data with Little Endian
Example 1-3: Writing 16-bit data with Special Endian
Example 1-4: Writing and reading out 32-bit data at the same time with Special Endian
Since Special Endian works in the unit of two byte, no change involves in the case of 16-bit data. Therefore,
Example1-3, which uses 16-bit data, cannot explain how Special Endian really works. So Example 1-4
provides an explanation of how Special Endian works in the query and its response by using 32-bit data.