ABB FlexLoader Vision Product Manual page 279

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Errors, warnings and informations are submitted using RAPID command ErrWrite,
thus the number of rows is limited to 5.
User input (isUserInput and numUserInput) is submitted using RAPID command
UIMessageBox, thus the full range of 11 rows can be used.
The module MessageConfiguration.sys is a support file to UserMessaging.sys.
It contains a number of predefined values for different messages, questions and
help texts, each defined by a numerical constant, e.g.
If needed, new values can be added. However, do not remove or change values,
as they are used in the FlexLoader Vision core functionality. Use range 1 .. 200 for
integrator messages. Other identifier ranges are reserved for predefined system
messages. See the file UserTexts_en_.txt for more detailed information.
The module Tool.sys handles tools and tool loads. It handles the active robot tool,
the part type in grippers, activates correct signals for grip/release and updates
gripLoad data.
Use the Setup procedures to define tools and load types.
A tool with load type also holds information about how the robot should pick with
this tool (inside or outside grip).
FUNC bool checkAllRo-
PROC ClearToolLoads()
PROC ClearTool-
PartStatus(\num Tool)
PROC ClearTools(\num
FUNC num getActiv-
FUNC num getCurrent-
FUNC num getRobot-
FUNC tooldata
getToolData(\num Tool)
FUNC num getToolLoad-
Type(num tool)
Product manual - FlexLoader Vision
3HAC051771-001 Revision: B
Alarms and other messages sent to FlexLoader Vision are limited to a length of
~140 characters.
Returns true if all robot mounted tools are empty.
Clears all stored load types defined in this task
Clears part data for a tool. This should be called if a load was
manually removed. If uncertain, ask operator with a question if
part was removed and then call this. Also updates grip load data
for all tools attached to robot.
Clears all declared tools. This should always be done before set
up of a new set of tools.
Get the tool name number for currently activated tool on this robot
Get the current total mass of loads attached to robot tools.
Returns robot number of the robot where this module is executing
Get tooldata for a tool. Returns tool data for whished tool. If not
using argument, the current active tool data is returned.
Returns the current load type in tool
© Copyright 2014-2018 ABB. All rights reserved.
B FlexLoader RAPID reference
B.6 FlexLoader assistance and utility functionality
Continues on next page


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