Agilent Technologies 8719D User Manual page 672

Network analyzers
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concepts, 6-140-146
decision making functions, 6-144
deleting commands, 2-68
editing, 6-141
editing a sequence, 2-68
GPIO, 6-141
HP-GL commands, 6-145
inserting a command, 2-68
Iimit test sequence, 2-77
loading a sequence from disk, 2-72
loop counter sequence, 2-74
menu, 6- 142
modifying a command, 2-69
printing a sequence, 2-72
reading using HP-IB, 6-146
running a sequence, 2-67
special functions menu, 6-144
stopping a sequence, 2-67
storing a sequence on a disk, 2-71
subprograms, 2-73
titles, 6-141
with loop counter, 6-141
test sequencing procedures, 2-65
test set, 6-3
test set hold mode, 6-21
test set interconnect location, l-11
test set switch, controlling the, 5-57
test using Iimits, 2-50
time domain
bandpass, 6-121
concepts, 6-119-139
gating, 6-135
gating procedure, 2-81
general theory, 6-120
low pass, 6-124
low pass impulse mode, 6-l 19
low pass mode, fault location
measurements, 6-125
low pass mode, reflection, 6-125
low pass mode, transmission, 6-127
low pass, setting frequency range, 6-124
low pass step mode, 6-119
masking, 6-129
minimum allowable stop frequencies, 6-124
range, 6-132
reflection response, 2-83
relative velocity factor, 6-121
resolution, 6-133
transmission response measurement, 2-79
velocity factor, 2-85
windowing, 6-130
time domain measurements, 2-79
time domain option, 1-13
time domain transform, 6-7
time for measurements, 7-8
time stamp, 4-30, 11-15
time-to-frequency domain, 6-120
title area of display, l-8
title of sequence, 2-70
title the active channel display, 2-8
titling the displayed measurement, 4-29
to use fast 2-port calibration, 5-57
trace math, 2-7
divide measurement data by the memory
trace, 2-7
trace math operation, 6-6
trace noise
reducing, 5-59
trace viewing, 2-6
tracking, 6-59
tracking an amplitude, 2-32
transfer formats, 7-23
transfer of data, 11-18
transform, 6-7
CW time-to-frequency domain, 6-136
frequency-to-time domain, 6-l 19
time-to-frequency domain, 6-120
transform measurements
forward, 6-137
transform menu, 6-119
transform modes
time domain bandpass, 6-119
time domain low pass impulse, 6-l 19
time domain low pass step, 6-l 19
transistor test fixtures, 11-4
transmission measurements
using bandpass mode, 6-123
using low pass mode, 6-127
transmission response in time domain, 2-79
transmit control, 11-14
trigger menu, 6-20
TRL calibration, 2-86
TRL error-correction, 5-24
how it works, 6-92
improving raw load match, 6-95
improving raw source match, 6-95
error model, 6-92
fabricating and dehning standards, 6-97
how true TBL/LRM works, 6-94
isolation, 6-93

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