Local-Guest Manager-Email - H3C MSR Series Command Reference Manual

Comware 7 security
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expiration-time: Specifies the expiration time in the format of hh:mm:ss. The value range for the hh
argument is 0 to 23. The value range for the mm and ss arguments is 0 to 59. The mm and ss
arguments are optional. For example, enter 1 to indicate 1:00:00. A value of 0 indicates 00:00:00.
Usage guidelines
Account names of batch created local guests start with the same string specified by the name prefix,
and end with a different number as the suffix. The system increases the start suffix number by 1 for
each new local guest created in the batch.
The device generates plaintext passwords by using the password prefix and suffix number in the
same way it batch creates the local guest names.
Consider the system resources when you specify the number of local guests to create. The device
might fail to create all accounts for a large batch of local guests because of insufficient resources.
If a local guest to be created has the same name as an existing local guest on the device, the new
guest overrides the existing guest.
# Create 20 local guests in batch with user names abc01 through abc20 for user group visit. The
user accounts are effective from 2014/10/01 00:00:00 to 2015/10/02 12:00:00.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] local-guest generate username-prefix abc suffix 01 group visit count 20
validity-datetime 2014/10/01 00:00:00 to 2015/10/02 12:00:00
Related commands
display local-user

local-guest manager-email

Use local-guest manager-email to configure the email address of the guest manager.
Use undo local-guest manager-email to restore the default.
local-guest manager-email email-address
undo local-guest manager-email
No email address is configured for the guest manager.
System view
Predefined user roles
email-address: Specifies the email address, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters. For
example, sec@abc.com. The address must comply with RFC 822.
Usage guidelines
Use this command to specify the email address to which the device sends the local guest registration
requests for approval.
If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.


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