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YASKAWA Sigma II Series User Manual page 70

Servo system


Sigma II User's Manual
Before Reading this Chapter
This chapter describes the use of each CN1 connector I/O signals in the SGDH servo
amplifier as well as the procedure for setting the related parameters for the intended pur-
The following sections can be used as references for this chapter.
List of CN1 I/O signals: See 3.4.3 I/O Signal Names and Functions.
CN1 I/O signal terminal layout See 3.4.2 List of CN1 Terminals.
List of parameters: Appendix Appendix B List of Parameters.
Parameter setting procedure: 7.1.6 Operation in Parameter Setting Mode
The CN1 connector is used to exchange signals with the host controller and external cir-
Parameter Configurations
Parameters are comprised of the types shown in the following table. See Appendix B List
of Parameters.
Function Selection Constants
Servo Gain and Other Con-
Position Control Constants
Speed Control Constants
Torque Control Constants
Sequence Constants
Auxiliary Function Execution
Monitor Modes
Parameter Number
Pn000 to Pn003
Pn100 to Pn123
Pn200 to Pn208
Pn300 to Pn308
Pn400 to Pn409
Pn500 to Pn512
Pn600 to Pn601
Fn000 to Fn013
Un000 to Un00D
Chapter 5: Parameter Settings and Functions
Select basic and application functions such as the
type of control or the stop mode used when an alarm
Set numerical values such as speed and position
loop gains.
Set position control parameters such as the refer-
ence pulse input form and gear ratio.
Set speed control parameters such as speed refer-
ence input gain and soft start deceleration time.
Set torque control parameters such as the torque ref-
erence input gain and forward/reverse torque limits.
Set output conditions for all sequence signals and
changes I/O signal selections and allocations.
Specify the capacity for an external regenerative
resistor and reserved constants.
Execute auxiliary functions such as JOG Mode oper-
Enable speed and torque reference monitoring, as
well as monitoring to check whether I/O signals are
ON or OFF.

