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YASKAWA Sigma II Series User Manual page 11

Servo system


Sigma II User's Manual
Using This Manual
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following users.
Those designing Sigma IΙ Series servodrive systems.
Those installing or wiring Sigma IΙ Series servodrives.
Those performing trial operation or adjustments of Sigma IΙ Series servodrives.
Those maintaining or inspecting Sigma IΙ Series servodrives.
Description of Technical Terms
In this manual, the following terms are defined as follows:
Servomotor = Sigma IΙ Series SGMAH/SGMPH/SGMGH/SGMSH servomotor.
Servo Amplifier = Sigma IΙ Series SGDH servo amplifier.
Servodrive = A set including a servomotor and servo amplifier.
Servo System = A servo control system that includes the combination of a servodrive
with a host computer and peripheral devices.
Indication of Reverse Signals
In this manual, the names of reverse signals (ones that are valid when low) are written
with a forward slash (/) before the signal name, as shown in the following equations:
/S–ON = S–ON
Table of Contents/Preface

