JUNOSe 11.0.x Broadband Access Configuration Guide
Related Topics
Viewing and Deleting DHCP Client Bindings
To delete DHCP client bindings without a lower-layer interface:
host1:vr1#dhcp delete-binding no-interface
To delete DHCP client bindings with the specified interface string:
host1:vr2#dhcp delete-binding interface ip71.*4
This dhcp delete-binding command uses the * (asterisk) regular expression
metacharacter in the interface string to delete DHCP client bindings on virtual
router vr2 with an IP address beginning with 71 and ending with 4.
To delete DHCP client bindings that match the specified circuit ID string:
host1:vr3#dhcp delete-binding circuit-id \\xe3
To specify nonprintable byte codes in the circuit ID string or remote ID string,
you can use the string \\xab, where ab is a hex code of the byte. This dhcp
delete-binding command uses the string \\xe3 to represent byte E3 in the circuit
ID string. This command deletes DHCP client bindings on virtual router vr3 with
the specified circuit ID string.
dhcp delete-binding
show dhcp binding
show dhcp count
show dhcp host
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